escaping then trapped

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i leaned on the wall with a sleeping levi on me.i petted his hair, staring at the only light in the room, a small candle.i look down at levi who had a peacful expression.knowing that what i am doing, is endangering the others because of kenny.just by the name, makes me i feel bad for the others, yes of course.but no one would play with me so i have to keep levi to myself.for the past few days, he obeyed me and acted like a good pet.having him to myself it warms me, but at the same time i feel this inside, like i doesn't feel right.regret?pity? i don't know, but my fun with him ends eyes looked at the back of his neck, where i bit finger poked at it, he flinched.the wound is already healing but still he says it hurts.why i do i feel so bad?

i let out a sigh, kissing his wound before slowly laying him on the ground.knowing that since he is under my control, i have to free him.i leaned down and kissed him, i open my mouth a blew in his mouth.knowing this will burn his throat, i try to go slowly but either way it hurts.i wipe my mouth and stood up.i untied the mask around his eyes and tried to clean him up as much as possble.buttoning up his shirt and dusting his pants, i brush his hair to how he always has it.seeing a black glow through his eyes, i stood up."bye levi" i muttered turning away from him.pain throbbed in my back as i let my kagune escape.i quickly slashed the door and put my kagune away.i slid out of the cage and walked out, making sure no one noticed or saw.


"go to hell!" i yelled as i ran as fast as i could.i felt my energy slowly draining from my body.i jumped to a tree but a hand grabbed my leg, pulling me back to the head hit the ground hard, almost making me think my skull shattered.i groaned as i stood up "what the hell do you want?!" i yelled."oh dear, we need you" i stare at yamori and gave a confused look."your eye is still activated" he bends down to my level.i narrowed my eyes, i threw a punch but he caught it "do i have to train you again?" i shook my head and tired to escape him but he grabbed my leg, holding it with such grip.i clench my teeth as his other hand reached to my face.

his hand rested on my face, on the side where my ghoul eye was."i wonder" he suddenly shoves his thumb in my eyes making me cry out in pain."ARG!" i cried out trying to escape him. he pulls out his bloody thumb and grins. "knew it" i started feeling tired and weak.i felt tired, like i could sleep for months."you are not in control when your ghoul eye is activated, when it's not activated you are just akria, the simple human"i dropped my head as my eyes started to drop as well.feeling him pick me up, i had no energy to fight, so i let him.he threw me over his shoulder, i stare at the ground before falling asleep.


"akria" i hummed as i turned to my side, but for some reason i couldn't."wake up already" i open my eyes to a bright sun hitting my face from the ceiling window.i tried to cover my eyes but i couldn't move my arms.i quickly moved my head up to see my body attached to a metal bed."finally" i snap my head up to see yamori with a old man next to him.noticing a table to tools, i felt fear run in."w-what the hell!?" i cried out as i tried to escape."don't bother, i alrady gave you medicaion so you won't be able to activate your ghoul side." the old man walks over to me and puts on gloves."get the hell away from me!" i snapped, i pulled on my limbs harder.feeling a slight movment of the chains, i moved faster but yamori stabbed his kagune in my leg.i cried out in pain "i-it hurts" i whimpered, it wasn't healing."don't worry when it wears off it'll heal but it won't be for a while.your body was stronger then we thought, don't be surprise if it doesn't wear off in a few days" my eyes widen.

he grabs a small knife and cuts my side open.i let out cries of pain and tears running down my face."if we make you a full ghoul, we'll have to treat this as if we are turning you into a half be just like kaneki, we have to hurt you more" i threw my head back as i let out the loud cries when he digs in my body."doc you know akria is way more stronger then kaneki, but more unstable" the pain was growing to the pain where i can't hold.and then i passed out

a change of a human//Levi Ackerman x Ghoul! readerWhere stories live. Discover now