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THOMASran over to Minho and Alby. The darker-skinned boy was unconscious with a small cut on the side of his head. The runner was on his knees, breathing heavily as he stared at the ground. He hadn't notice Katherine run in and she breathed heavily as the adrenaline pumped through her veins.
"What happened?" Thomas questioned looking at Alby, more his wounds. Katherine took a deep breath.
"He was stung." She answered, already being able to tell. Minho snapped his head up hearing his girlfriend's voice. He stood immediately, the colour draining from his face. He ran over to the girl muttering 'no' over and over again.
"Why would you run in here?" He yelled. "You were safe in there! You were safe!" Minho yelled, his eyes glassy. Katherine closed her eyes, the tears that built up fell from her eyes and the runner calmed, hating seeing the girl cry.
"You think I'm going to leave you in here to die? I don't think so. I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving you." She choked out. Thomas watched the two with an aching heart. "Minho, I know you would rather me be in the Glade, but I would rather be here, with you." She stated, grabbing the boy's hand.
The three heard the moans and groans of grievers in the distance and Katherine's heart dropped. Minho's did as well as Thomas was confused but nervous. "We gotta go," Minho said. Katherine went over to Thomas.
"We can't just leave him here," Thomas said looking at Minho. Katherine held her hair back and inspected Alby.
"The maze is changing," Minho said with a blank expression.
"He's right, Min. We can't just leave Alby here." Katherine sat back on her legs, her hands falling limp in her lap.
The two boys hauled him up as Katherine looked around looking for a place to hide Alby. "We gotta get him up," Thomas grunted. The three looked around.
"Come on," Minho grunted. Katherine jogged up ahead. "Katherine, slow down," Minho said worriedly. She stopped in front of a wall that was completely covered in vines.
"Right here, come on." She bit her lip in nervousness as the two boys set him down. They heard more screeching and Minho's heart began to pound.
"This isn't going to work. We got to go. We got to go." Minho said quickly in a panic. He grabbed Katherine's hand pulling her along with him. She gently pulled her hand away.
"Minho, Minho, stop." She said. He turned to her with pleading eyes.
"Katherine, please. I will not lose you now in this damn maze." He shook his head gently.
"Then help us." She pleaded, looking back to Alby and Thomas. Minho sighed, knowing he could never leave the girl. Minho gave in and they tied a vine around Alby's midsection and began to pull him up the wall.