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THOMASand Minho led the group through the maze where they had previously gone before everything went to shit. They all stopped at a corner, Thomas peering past the wall. "Is it a griever?" Chuck questioned nervously.
"Shit." The young boy responded.
"You take this, Chuck." Minho handed the key to the curly-headed boy.
Thomas clapped his hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's ok. Just stick with me." Teresa said from behind him. Minho nodded at Katherine.
"You stay with them." He said. The girl nodded and turned to give Chuck an assuring smile.
"Once we get through it'll activate and the door will open. All right, we stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying. Ready?" Everyone gripped their weapons tight, Minho pulling his machete in front of him. "Here we go. Let's do this. All right, let's go!" Thomas yelled and everyone turned the corner running towards the griever.
Everyone tried to push it off the edge. It's leg landed down right in front of Katherine and she swung at its leg, making it hit the key out fo Chuck's hand. "The key!" The boy ran after it as it rolled toward the edge.
"Chuck!" Katherine yelled racing after him. Teresa followed. "Watch the edge!" She yelled again as Chuck hit the ground grabbing the key just as it fell over the edge, Chuck hanging over the edge.
Katherine grabbed the back of the boy's shirt as he struggled to get back up, Teresa helping her. Chuck yelled as a griever scaled the wall toward the three. Teresa, Katherine and Chuck fell back as the griever climbed up and over the edge.
The small girl pushed Teresa and Chuck to run as another climbed over the edge on the other side of them. "Run! Go, go, go!" Katherine yelled as they ran toward the boys.
As the two girls and the young boy ran past the boys who held off the grievers as much as they could. The stone doors opened like they did the previous day. Katherine motioned for the two to follow.
Teresa and Katherine pulled at the door, trying to find anything to open it. A red light glowed over Katherine's face as she watched numbers and layers appear in front of her. "What is that?" Teresa mumbled.
"The code... It's the code. Minho!" She turned and screamed at her boyfriend. He whipped around to look at her. "The sequence! What is it?" She yelled. Minho turned back to continue fighting off the grievers.
"Seven, one..." Katherine ran back and pressed the numbers that Minho yelled out to her. "Five, two, uh, six, four..." Newt looked up and saw a griever right above them.