𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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THE four boys followed Katherine towards the end of the forest and the first thing they say were the gladers gathered around the lookout, holding random objects as if they were shielding themselves. "Chuck, what's going on?" Thomas asked as he slowed. 

The young boy was giggling, watching the gladers struggle. "Girls are awesome." Chuck pointed at the lookout. Random objects were being thrown off the top hitting the stuff the boys held over their heads. 

Katherine could hear the girl yelling at them to leave her alone. She watched as Gally yelled at her and she threw down an object hitting him in the head. Katherine giggled to herself watching the scene unfold. 

The girl stood off to the side watching as Thomas and Minho went over to Gally and Newt. The Brit stood under some side of a box, his arm shielding his body. "I don't think she likes us very much." He said making the girl laugh. 

"Katherine, you're a girl! Go talk to her!" Gally complained. The brunette rolled her eyes and climbed up the ladder. The boys watched waiting for the new girl to stop throwing things at them. 

Once the brunette reached the top, the first thing she was the end of a machete pointing at her face. She back up, almost losing her balance. "Whoa, calm down. I'm not here to hurt you." Katherine assured. The girl lowered her weapon. "I'm just going to crawl up... here." Katherine pushed herself up and scooted away from the entrance, folding her legs under her. 

"Who are you?" The girl demanded. She had bright blue eyes and jet black hair. Her skin was pale and light freckles littered her face. Katherine still had a bad feeling around the girl but she brushed it off. 

"My name's Katherine. Do you remember yours?" The smaller girl questioned, her head tilting to the side. Katherine could hear the low chatter from below. The raven-haired girl nodded. 

"Teresa." She said. Katherine was surprised, although it had been almost a full day. Gally called up to the girls. 

"What's going on up there?" He yelled. Katherine crawled over to the edge and peeked over. She saw the boys all craning their necks up, hands shielding their eyes from the harsh sun. 

"One second!" She called back with a sharp and irritated tone. She turned around again and Teresa stared at her as if she were trying to read Katherine. The smaller girl's mind went back to how she remembered Thomas. "Do you mind if a friend of mine comes up here? It's Thomas." Katherine questioned. Teresa blinked before nodding hesitantly. 

Katherine nodded and yelled for Thomas to come up. Once the boy was up and beside Katherine she decided that she would leave them alone, let them work out whether they remembered each other. 

Once the brunette had jumped down, Minho was right there. "Does she know anything?" 

"Her name. I didn't ask her for anything else. Figured maybe she'd talk more to Thomas." Katherine shrugged. Minho nodded and Newt cleared everyone out to let Thomas talk to Teresa. 

"At least Katherine ain't crazy," Frypan mumbled with the shake of his head. Katherine chuckled at his comment. 


Thomas came running to Newt with some sort of needle filled with blue liquid. They were currently standing in the med hut around Alby's bed. "We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it, or why it came up here with you. I mean, for all we know, this thing could kill him." Newt explained with the needle held in his hand. 

"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possibly make it any worse? Come on, it's worth a try." Thomas convinced and it seemed to get through to Newt. Katherine walked towards him and grabbed the needle gently, looking up at the blonde with a nod. 

"All right. Do it." He let go and Katherine took it towards the dark-skinned boy. Alby was groaning, his whole body tense with pain as they could tell. Katherine's hand hung over the boy's chest, nervous. Alby was panting, his face contorted showing pain. 

Katherine looked back at everyone muttering an 'I'm goin' in'. As she turned back Alby's eyes were open and he grabbed her arms as he yelled. "You shouldn't be here! No!" Katherine shrieked as Newt tried to pry his hands off her. 

"Grab him! Watch out, whoa." Newt struggled. Alby seemed to have a hard grip on her arms, as Katherine struggled to pull away. 

"Get the syringe!" She yelled. Teresa grabbed it and stabbed it into his side. Alby immediately calmed down and Katherine stumbled back into Newt. She rubbed her arms, already knowing they'd be bruised. 

"Well, that worked," Jeff said, breaking the silence other than the heavy pants from Katherine and Alby. 

"Ok, from now on, someone stays here and watches him 'round the clock." Newt declared. Gally stepped in quietly. 

"Hey. Sundown, greenie. Katherine. Time to go." Gally nodded at the two. Katherine nodded weakly and stepped towards the towering boy. Thomas looked at Teresa to Newt before walking away with the two. 

"Hey, what is your problem with me?" Thomas asked out of the blue as the three walked to the slammer. Katherine had her arms wrapped around herself as Gally held the torch. 

"Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby, and now another girl, which wouldn't be weird but considering the fact she came up a day later than you and remembered your name, I'd say that's weird. And I'm bettin' you know who she is."

Gally glared at both Thomas and Katherine. She didn't know why Gally had a problem with her, but she could care less. She didn't like him, and he didn't like her and that was that. The blonde boy opened the door up and Thomas and Katherine jumped in. 

The girl remembered when she first came in. She remembered her name and that's also when she first heard Minho's voice. Minho. She missed the boy already. She was used to sleeping in his arms and now she couldn't.  


hiiiiii im back, a few days late and im sorry about that!!

hope you enjoy this chapter and it is not edited so sorry about any mistakes in it. 

anyway, until next time, 

Xoxo, Gossip Girl ;)

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