𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆

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THE next thing Katherine knew she was in Minho's arms, her legs wrapped his waist as she panted heavily. Thomas stared at the squashed griever, Minho holding the girl tightly. "I could've lost you!" Minho yelled out of breath.

"But you didn't," Katherine responded. Minho let the girl down and the three were running through the maze once again. They made it back to Alby and carefully got him down and went as fast they could to the doors.

As they neared the doors, Katherine saw the gladers walking away from the doors, Chuck watching them leave. Zart turned back seeing them. A look of shock washed over his face which made the younger boy turn as well. "Yeah! Yes!" Chuck screamed in pure happiness. The gladers whipped around to look.

Newt could see the bloodied sweaty teens, Katherine's long hair sticking to the side of her face. "Yeah! Yeah!" Chuck screamed excitedly. The gladers cheered and all rushed to get Alby to let the three rest.

"I got him. I got him. I got him." Newt gently laid Alby on the ground. Everyone saw Alby's sting. Minho, Thomas, and Katherine collapsed to the ground.

"You saw a griever?" Chuck asked shocked.

"Yeah, I saw one," Katherine answered. The gladers quieted down to listen to the girl.

"She didn't just see one." Thomas panted.

"She killed one," Minho answered. Everyone looked at the girl in shock. The three teens panted heavily from running all night trying to survive the grievers.

Everyone gathered in Homestead for a meeting. Katherine and Thomas had run in the maze which was against the rules because they weren't runners. Everyone quieted down as Gally started talking. He seemed to put himself in charge despite Newt being command at Alby's absence.

"Things are changing. There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight and Ryan supposedly did as well, and then Alby. And now our greenie and the only girl in the Glade, has taken it upon themselves to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here."

"Yeah... but they did save Alby's life." Frypan stated. Wanting defend his friend, Katherine smiling at him slightly.

"Well, Thomas did," Katherine interjected. Thomas was quick to answer though.

"Yeah, but you killed the griever."

"Did he save Alby's life? And Katherine isn't a runner." Gally responded. Katherine and Thomas sat together since they were the ones who broke the rules and Katherine rolled her eyes. "For three years, we have coexisted with these things, and now you killed one of them." Gally pointed at the girl with anger bubbling inside him.

Katherine shifted in her seat as Minho grit his teeth, using all his energy not to run up to Gally and beat him to a pulp. "Who knows what that could mean for us?" Gally continued. Katherine felt the anger under her skin as she scowled at Gally.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt questioned. He leaned against the post, his arms crossed over his chest.

"They have to be punished," Gally responded, his lips pressed into a thin line. Katherine knew deep down Gally was enjoying this. Gally hated the girl and Thomas, why wouldn't he enjoy it? Most people disagreed with the blonde boy, defending Katherine and Thomas.

"Minho," Newt said over the loud debates. "You were there with them. What do you think?" Newt questioned. Minho sighed, trying to push his biased opinion away.

"Whoa, Minho has a biased opinion. I don't think--" Gally started.

"Shut it, Gally. Let him talk." Frypan stood up before giving Katherine and Minho a small smile. Gally rolled his eyes but complied nonetheless.

Everyone turned to Minho, waiting for him to talk. "I think... In all the time I've been here, no one's ever killed a griever before, much less you would think it was a small girl like Katherine, no offence." He quickly said after. Katherine shook her head saying it was fine. "When I turn tail and ran dragging Katherine along with me, this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby and Katherine was pretty keen on staying behind to even though I didn't want her to. Look, I don't know if they're brave or stupid... whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make Thomas and as much as I hate to say it, Katherine, a runner." Minho finished his long speech and Katherine smiled hearing him say the words of her becoming a runner.

"A runner? Both of them? Minho, let's not jump the gun here, all right?" Frypan disagreed. Newt pushed himself off the post with a smile as the other broke out in chatter about the new decision suggestion. Chuck tried to get people on the idea, happy for his friends, but it didn't work.

"If you want to throw the newbie and the girl a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing that I know about the maze, it is that you do not..." Gally stopped as the ground rumbled beneath the gladers. The boys all started to panic as Katherine stood up and Minho quickly walking closer to the girl.

The alarm blared and Katherine rushed out with Newt and Gally leaving Thomas confused. It was the alarm for when they got new supplies and a greenie. It should not be blaring now. Katherine, Newt, and Gally were the first to get to the newly open box, all three of them looking panicked and confused at each other.

Katherine took a few steps back as she noticed what was inside. Gally and Newt hurriedly opened the box as the others rushed over. The girl backed into Minho who held her arms to help keep her steady. Katherine was shocked and she didn't know what to do. Of course, she'd been waiting for this, but there was something else. The box shouldn't be coming up right now and what was inside, she didn't exactly like.

It was like a wave of memories had hit her but she couldn't see them. Like she knew she didn't like what had just come in the box. Everyone was asking Newt was inside. He was looking up at the gladers confused.

"It's a girl." He responded. Katherine knew, for some reason, she didn't like the girl. She just had a bad feeling and she couldn't explain why. Everyone muttered stuff like 'another one?' 'I guess Katherine has a friend' and other stuff Katherine didn't care to hear.

Thomas pushed through the crowd seeing the girl. "I think she's dead..." Newt said.

"What's in her hand?" Gally questioned, nodding his head to the small slip of paper that was rolled up in her hand. Newt bent down and grabbed the slip of paper, unrolling it. 'She's the last one. Ever.' The Brit read. "What the hell does that mean?" Newt asked quickly after reading it.

The girl's eyes snapped open as she gasped for air. Everyone backed up as she spoke the one word that made everyone go quiet. Guess she wasn't dead.

"Thomas." One thing was for sure, she knew who Thomas was.


Hiiiiiiii I know I'm pushing it with time and all lol but here you, hope you enjoyed this chapter give it a vote or comment if you want to :) (it would much be appreciated)

anyway, until next time

Xoxo, Gossip Girl ;)

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