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THOMASand Katherine sat up against the wall, Thomas's arms resting on his knees as Katherine had her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them and her head laying on her knees.
Chuck had come by earlier with food and water, but Katherine couldn't sleep. She couldn't without Minho but Thomas had been drifting in and out of consciousness. Thomas and Chuck had a heartfelt talk while Katherine stayed curled up in the corner and listened quietly.
The girl could hear birds chirping and Thomas was asleep in the corner across from her. She waited for Minho to come and get the two so she could get out of the pit. Thomas shifted and his eyes opened. He groaned and stretched out his legs.
"Morning, sunshine," Katherine said. Thomas chuckled softly. The two heard footsteps walking toward them and they knew it was Minho.
The runner popped up in front and kneeled down, his arm resting on his knee. "Morning, Princess. Greenie. Got a big day. You sure you two don't want to sit this one out?" He teased. Katherine rolled her eyes standing up.
"Shut up and get us outta here." She smiled. The Asian smiled and opened the door after unlocking it. He grabbed Katherine's hand and pulled her up. Thomas was right behind her and pushed himself up.
Minho gave them backpacks with the necessary items inside. "Weird not waking up with you beside me or making me breakfast and lunch." Minho nudged the girl. She chuckled.
"Yeah well, it was pretty weird for me too. Didn't sleep." She admitted. "But the greenie here fell asleep pretty quick." She teased. Thomas rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
The three stood in front of the doors, waiting for them to open. The door rumbled, shaking the ground beneath their feet. "Let's go!" Minho said energetically. The boy took off and Katherine didn't hesitate.
The three ran down the corridors, Minho yelling at them telling them where they were at. They were getting closer and closer to inner rings as Minho called them.
They finally made it to section seven, passing the other ones. "That's strange." Minho thought out loud.
"What?" Thomas questioned.
"Seven's not supposed to be open for another week," Minho said. They were walking through what Katherine thought looked like gigantic razors.
"What the hell is this place?" Thomas asked.
"We call 'em blades." The three jogged through, Katherine looking around as well as Thomas. They stopped seeing bloodied clothes. Katherine knew they were Ben's and she walked away from them, not straying too far from Minho and Thomas.
They heard some sort of static and Katherine turned back to look at Minho and Thomas. They glanced at her before Thomas looked at Minho's back grabbed his shoulders turning him. "Whoa, hey!" Minho stumbled surprised.
Thomas turned, walking in different directions. "I think it's showing us the way." Katherine walked over to Thomas, looking at the small device. The three followed it as Thomas stopped. They turned again, the brunette boy leading the other two.
Minho stayed close to Katherine in case grievers were out and about waiting to attack. His hand lingered near the small of her back keeping her close. The beeping sped up as they neared some sort of entrance with a path leading to what looked like more doors.
"Hey, babe? You ever see this place before?" Katherine asked looking around. Minho turned slowly looking at his surroundings while still moving forward.
"No." His voice echoed off the walls, bouncing back to the three. "Ah, it's just another dead end," Minho said disappointingly. The device made some sort of squealing sound as the clicks were extremely fast.
There was a weird clicking sound and the three gasped Minho tugging the girl away from the closed doors. There were sets of doors that opened revealing circular entrance that spun open. Minho glanced at Thomas, "You sure about this?" He questioned.
Thomas kept his eyes ahead of him on the newly open doors. "Nope." He sighed before stepping in and walking toward it. Katherine sighed, shaking her head once before stepping in and following Thomas. Minho trailed behind Katherine as they walked slowly.
Once they reached the entrance, Minho swiped his hand on the edge, griever slime sticking to his fingers. "Grievers."
A weird electric sounding trill rang out, echoing off the gray stone walls. A red beam scanned over their body. Katherine's hand went to her stomach, wondering what just happened along with the other two. "What the hell was that?" Minho questioned as different eerie screeching sounds bounced off the walls from the distance.
There was a weird alarm that blared, making the girl jump. It reminded her of the box alarm. "We gotta get outta here." She said. The boys agreed and walked quickly as Minho shouted for the key to stick back into his pack.
The three broke out into jog that turned into a sprint as the doors started to close behind them. The blades starting turning, trapping them. "We gotta go. We gotta go! Run, we're going to get trapped!" Minho shouted breaking into a sprint.
Katherine raced after him as Thomas did too. They were close to getting trapped and one closed right Katherine's face. "Shit!" She cursed as she ran beside the closing ones. "Minho!" She screamed.
"Run, princess, go!" Minho screamed. She made it to the last one and through just in time. She ran straight into Minho and he grabbed her, steadying her as they continued running. Minho kept a tight grip on the girl's hand, Thomas right beside them.
As they ran the ground rumbled beneath them, making them lose their balance. The ground broke open and two slabs moved upwards as a large metal bridge looking building started falling right to them. Katherine shoved them to the side as they ran, the bridge crashing right behind them.
More parts of the ground opened in a similar fashion all around them. Minho yelled for them to keep running. A small part of the section started to close off. Thomas cursed as another metal bridge crashed down behind them.
The three jumped on top and crawled through, it being easier for Katherine given her size. They all crashed down onto the pavement panting heavily from their non-stop sprint. "holy shit." The girl mumbled, falling back onto the ground.
heyyyy quick little update for you people hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book is coming to its end 😭😭 anyway, until next time Xoxo, Gossip Girl ;)