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EVERYONElooked at Thomas as the girl seemed to fall back into her coma-like state. "You still think I'm overreacting?" Gally said, breaking the silence.
The boys managed to get the girl out of the box and they brought her to med-hut. Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Katherine all walked in asking the med-jacks what was wrong with the girl. "Hey, man, I got my job the same way you did," Jeff answered. Newt looked at Thomas who kept his eyes on the new black-haired girl.
"Well, do you recognize her?" Newt asked Thomas. Minho and Katherine glanced at Thomas waiting for his answer.
Thomas shook his head before answering. "No."
"Really? Cause she seemed to recognize you," Newt responded looking over to Katherine and Minho. Katherine had a look on her face and she couldn't figure out why she didn't like this girl. It wasn't jealousy, because she's always wanted another girl greenie to come up so she wasn't the only one, but this girl seemed like there was something about her that Katherine didn't like.
"What about the note?" Thomas questioned.
"Yeah, we'll worry about the note later." The blonde responded.
"I think you should worry about it now," Thomas stated. Newt glanced at the brunette girl and the Asian before back to Thomas.
"We've got enough to worry about with at the moment," Newt responded, sass lacing his voice. They were stressed out. There were so many things changing at once the three who had been there the longest didn't know what to do and Thomas was just confused like he usually is, which isn't unusual for his arrival in the Glade only a day earlier.
"He's right, Newt," Jeff said. Everyone shifted their eyes to Jeff. "If the box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"
"No one said that," Newt responded. "Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll just... we'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows." Newt tried to calm the situation as much as possible knowing that the boys would eventually start to freak out. "Somebody's gotta have answers around here."
"Ok," Thomas said before walking away. Newt, Minho and Katherine turned to look at Thomas as Newt opened his mouth to speak.
"And where are you going?"
"Back into the maze," Thomas answered. Katherine rolled her eyes as Minho jogged after the brunette boy, Katherine trailing behind him.
"Hey. Hey, Thomas. Hey. Hey. Come on. What is this with you, huh? A death wish? You just got out, and now you want back in?" Minho questioned as if Thomas was crazy, which he really was in Katherine's opinion.