Wasn't Expecing That

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Hey guys I'm sooo sorry that I'm not updating as much but I have so much going on with school, work, and my personal life. I'll try to update as much as possible. Holidays are coming up which means I'll have more time to update. Thank you. Enjoy the reading. Love you readers♥️

I stand shocked at the sight in front of me. There I see Jake lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of his mouth. I see many monitors around and I feel like I can't move. I hear the door open behind me and see a nurse come in.

"How is he doing?"

"He's doing good ma'am. We really didn't think he would of made it. But he pulled himself through and he did it. Now we just need to wait until he wakes up. All his injuries should be healing soon except for his broken leg and arm that's gonna take a couple months" says the nurse very professionally.

I just nod my head not knowing what else to say. After the nurse checks Jake he takes his leave. I go over to the seat near his bed and take a seat. I hold his hand and just start crying. I think about everything that's happened between us and everything that we've been through.

I lay my head down on him and close my eyes.


I don't know when I feel asleep but I felt movement under me. I open my eyes and see Jake moving around. I immediately get up and started calling his name.

"Hey Jake baby. Can you hear me? Jake?"

As I call his name I see him open and close his eyes getting used to the lighting.
When he finally opens his eyes he immediately starts looking around seeing where he's at. When his eyes land on me I immediately freeze not knowing how he's going to react.

He looks at me for awhile before he tries sitting up. I get up and start pushing him down and letting him know he can't get up yet.

"Jake you can't get up. Let me call the doctor for you?" As I start to walk I feel him grab my wrist and tug me towards him.

"How long have I been asleep for and can I get some water?" His voice sounds husky and it makes my insides clench but I don't think much of it and get the water cup on the side table.

"You've been asleep for a year."

"WHAT!! What do you mean a year!!"

I try holding my laughter in but I can't and just laugh my ass off.

"I'm sorry it's just that you said it really serious so I thought I would mess with you. But the answer to your question is only a couple days."

As he opens his mouth the door opens and in walks the nurse from before and the doctor.

"Hello Jake I'm doctor Derek and this is Michael. Now I have a couple questions to ask you while Michael checks on you. Is that okay?"

Jake just nods his head and they get to work.

"So Jake do you know why you're here?"

"No but I guess I was in an accident."

"Yes you were. Can you tell me todays date and if you can't the date can you remember at least the year?" Jake thought for a while before answering.

"I can't say the date but the year is 2012." The doctor looked at my worried face but by the look on his face he didn't want me to say anything.

"Are you positive it's 2012 Mr. Knight?"

"Yeah I remember because my wife and I just celebrated our 2nd year anniversary." My heart skipped a beat hearing him call me his wife.

"Mr. Knight it seems you have lost part of your memory and if it's okay we'd like to get some test done as soon as possible?" Jake looked at the doctor as if what he just said was insane.

"Umm...yeah go for it but can it wait I'd like to talk to my wife alone." The doctor nodded land left with the nurse trailing behind.

"Have I really lost my memory?"

"Yeah you did Jake."

"What year is it?"

"It's 2018."

"Wait you mean to tell me that I can't remember anything from the last 6 years you have to be kidding me right?"

"No I wish I was but I'm not." Just as he was about to ask another question the door opens and it's the doctor letting us know they we're going to do the test and they would be taking him.

As they roll him down the hallway I can't help but think he doesn't remember anything that has to do with my suppose cheating, the divorce, the engagement he had, and more importantly the kids. How is he going to react to everything. I need to speak with the doctor right away.

It's been about 2 maybe 3 hours since the test began and they're still not back. I take the chance to call my mom and tell her what's been going on and I'm able to talk to the kids as well. As I hang up I hear the door open and I relieved to see the doctor.

"Mrs. Knight I had good news and bad. The bad news is he has a cause where he lost part of his memory due to the accident but the good news is he will begetting them back. The only problem is it can be in a couple days, weeks, months, or even years it just a matter of when he's ready to receive them."

"What do you mean receive them?"

"Theirs been times when patients don't want to remember or get back their memories because they believe they were forgotten for a reason."

"Okay I understand. I do have a question however. Me and Jake are not married no more but since he lost his memory he doesn't remember the divorce or that we have kids. What I'm asking is what do I do? Do I go along with it or tell him the truth?"

"I would personally go with it. It can help with the process of remembering. But when you see the time is right tell him the truth. The kids news can also help so tell him you have kids and let's hope he gets his memory back soon. Now any other questions?"

"When will he be able to go home?"

"He's perfectly fine to go home right now but I want to keep him for 2 or 3 days just to see his progress and after that he free to go." With that he walk out of the room and I lower myself to the seat.

What the hell am I suppose to do. I dint think I'll be able to go along with it. It'll feel to real for me and I don't want that.

God please help me. Now should I go along with it or just tell him the truth. Why does it have to be so complicated.


Hey their my beautiful readers hope you guys had a great day. I'm trying to update as much as possible. Let me know what you think about the chapter.

Until next time,
Bye readers♥️

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