Sleepless Night

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After the kids finished their dinner they went upstairs to change and get ready for bed. Jake and I stayed downstairs watching TV.

I told him about seeing Lindsey and the good news that's she's pregnant. He did a double take when hearing the news saying that she had tried for years to get pregnant but never could.

We started watching a horror film when we heard screams come from the stairs. Turning around we see all three little troublemakers in their pjs covering their eyes.

"What do you guys think you're doing out of bed at this time?" I asked them trying to make my voice sound angry.

"We weren't tired and wanted to come see the movie with you guys but Nathan and Olivia got scared" said Dylan also covering his eyes.

"Well you guys should go back to bed. Dad and I were going to bed already and you three should too?"

Dylan immediately ran to me and jumped on my arms. I was careful not to hurt his arm.

"Mommy can we sleep with you tonight pretty pleaaaseee" he said giving me the puppy dog eyes.

As I look up I see Nathan and Olivia giving me the puppy eyes too. I turned to look at Jake and he was also giving me the puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes and look back at Dylan.

"Okay fine but I only this time next time you guys decided to watch a horror movie you sleep in your own bed got it."

All three kids nod their heads and run straight into our room. I shake my head and feel Jake's body on my back. He slowly starts kissing my neck and whispering in my ear.

"Looks like you got lucky tonight but maybe you won't be so lucky tomorrow baby because I plan on having my wicked way with you" he said kissing my neck and walking up the stairs.

I make my way up the stairs after turning of the tv and lights downstairs. As I open the door I see all the kids organized on the bed and on the walk in closet I can see Jake changing into his pjs which consist of pajamas pants. If the kids weren't here we would definitely be making babies.

I get settled in bed and see Jake go to the other side of the bed and get ready to sleep. The kids are currently taking over the middle of the bed so Jake and I are are squeezed into the corners of the bed feeling like we're about to fall.

To say we had a peaceful night would be a lie. The kids continuously kept moving all night and eventually we had to move the kids to different place on the bed so we could all sleep. I'm currently making breakfast before everyone wakes up. I got a call from the law firm that they needed me to come in as early as I could go.

I call the babysitter and she said she'd be here by 9. It's currently 8:30 so I finish making breakfast before going up stairs to wake up the kids.

As I walk in the room I hear the water running and she all three little monsters sleeping peacefully. I slowly walk up to the bed and wake them up.

"Come down and eat my babies I made breakfast before heading I to work."

They slowly rub their eyes before nodding their heads and going downstairs. Dylan stays behind with me so we can walk downstairs together.

As the kids eat their breakfast the doorbell goes off and before I can answer it Jake comes downs looking super sexy in his suit that I wouldn't mind ruining later.

He goes to open the door and let's the babysitter come in. Maggie reminds me of my mom which makes it easy on me because I know the kids love Maggie.

"Okay babies me and daddy need to leave for work so Maggie here is going to take care of you guys okay. So I want you all to be in your best behavior because we all know the consequences when we miss behave right."

All three kids nod their heads before looking  at Maggie.

"Okay babies give mommy and daddy a hug" they all come running towards us as we say our good byes to the kids I walk over to Maggie. I give her the list of our phone numbers in case of an emergency and let her know to make herself at home and that we would be home later than 5.

Work wasn't to bad they needed me to look after a new case since I was still married to Jake I wasn't able to represent him anymore and he need someone new in his case.

Walking inside I see the kids and Maggie in the couch watching Monsters inc. The kids turn around hearing me and the all come running towards me yelling.

"Hi my babies were you guys good today?" I see them all nod their heads. I look up to see Maggie nod her head as well.

"Well since you guys were so well behaved how about when daddy come we all go it for ice cream." They immediately start yelling and saying thank you about a 100 times.

I ask Maggie if she wants to come along but she says she's fine. After Maggie left I walk over to the couch and we finish watching Monsters inc.

After the movie ends I see that all kids have feel asleep. I look at the time on my watch and see that it's last 10. Wondering where could Jake be I dial his number but it does straight to voicemail. Just as I was about to text him I see him open the door.

I motion at the kids and tell him to go upstairs quietly. Walking behind him I see that she looks super tired.

"Hey you alright I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail?"

"Yeah baby I'm fine it's just work really kicked my ass today and my phone died. I had to stay overtime to go over the case with the new lawyer and the boys wanted to go out to have some drinks."

He lays on the bed with his eyes close and I couldn't help to noticed that he really didn't look all to good. I walk over to him putting my hands on his forehead to see if he was feeling okay when I feel him a little warm.

"Hey Jake you feel kinda warm are you feeling okay?" he proceeds to shake his head no.

"Alright ima go down stairs and get you something so you can feel better okay."

Walking downstairs I first take the kids individually to their room and put them to bed before going upstairs to give Jake some medicine.

I walk in the room to see Jake taking off all his clothes and only leaving on his boxers. But what surprises me is the fact that he's showing off a bulge.

"Here this will help with the fever" shaking his head he throws the pills on the floor and pulls me to him.

"Hey we shouldn't do this you're not feeling to well and you should take the medicine to calm you down."

Shaking his head no again he just stares at me with a look of lust, love, and something else.

"I'm not sick one of the guys at work accidentally put something in my drink and now I have a fucken hard on."

Looking at him idk what to do or say. I think about it contemplating on what to do.

Hey their my beautiful readers hope you guys had a great day. I'm trying to update as much as possible. Let me know what you think about the chapter.

Until next time,
Bye readers♥️

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