Shocking News

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As we were sitting around the hospital bed with Nathan in my arms fast asleep and Olivia on Jake's. I was able to take a good look around and see how just how much Jake actually missed from his kids life. But I wouldn't change how everything went.

As my thought roam around my head the hospital door opens with Dylan in a wheelchair and one of the nurses pushing him.

Even though I like this little family that we've becomed. I can't help but think that maybe Jake got off too easily. And knowing that brain of mine I've already got a few plans to make myself even with him.

"Mommy are we finally going to live with you and daddy?" I couldn't exactly explain to Dylan what was going on in my head. But I also had to see what I said in case Jake saw it as an opportunity to get off the hook.

"No baby you know me and daddy aren't together no more but that doesn't mean we love you any less" he both Dylan and Jake frowned at my choice of words but theirs not much I can do.

"Hey buddy don't worry we'll be a family soon don't worry about it" said Jake adding a wink towards me.


One month later

Not much has happened since the accident other than the kids moved to California with Jake and I. Don't worry though we are not living in the same we just live right next to each other.

Dylan is still upset about wearing the cast but the doctor said his arm is healing faster than they thought so he might be able to take it off before needed.

Jake has tried on many occasions to try and get me to go back with him but I just can't seem to forgive him just yet.

Speaking of devil. I haven't seen him in a couple days which at first it was quite nice but now I'm starting to feel like he's forgotten about us.

As I'm parking I see a cop car and immediately run to the house.

"Hi you must be Mrs. Knight, I'm detective David. I was wondering if I could speak with you privately?" without thinking about it I immediately go to my office and close the door when he's inside.

"What can I help you with" I try keeping my voice calm when I feel anything but calm.

"I'm here to talk about your husband Mr. Jake Knight. I'm sorry to say this but while your husband was coming home from a business trip. His plane had a malfunction and tragically the plane fell. But don't get scared ma'am theirs a very good chance they are still alive we just need to conduct a search party. I personally wanted to come and inform you before the news broke and you would find out like that. I can see you're in shock, I'll leave you alone ma'am call me if you have any questions. Thank you."

As he leaves I still can't fully understand or wrap my head around anything v hat just happened. I sit down on one of the chairs and just let the tears fall.

No you can't think negatively you have three kids who will need you to be strong for them. And the detective said theirs a good chance he's alive.

I get up and go see the kids. I let the nanny go before I tell them what happened with their dad.

"Hi babies!"

"Hi mommy!" The all say together while they run towards me.

"How was your day? Did you guys do a lot of stuff while I was at work?"

"Yeah mommy we were drawing and then we went to the park and played with other kids."

"Wow that sounds fun. Umm theirs actually something I need to tell you guys." They stay silent as they wait for me to tell them what I need to.

"So you know how daddy hasn't been visiting well that's because he was away on a business trip and he was actually coming home already. But while coming home the plane had a problem so they got lost but they're finding them right now as we speak and he should be here very soon."

" daddy going to be okay." Olivia is the first to speak.

"Yes daddy is going to be fine. How about we go and do a prayer to bring daddy home? Does that sound good?"

"Yes that will help. It helped when we did it for Dylan remember mommy?"

"Yes Nate I remember. Come one we'll do it your room."

I can't help but feel awful for not telling them exactly everything but I just wouldn't know how to deal seeing my kids so upset.

"Okay let's kneel by the bed and pray."

We pray for a good five minutes everyone doing a prayer. I tuck them in bed and go to my room. As I lay in bed and look to my right if I wouldn't of been such a bitch and forgiven Jake I could of had him with me before this happened.

As I start dozing off I hear my my door open and the bed dip a little. I turn and see Dylan sitting just looking at me.

"Hi baby. What are you doing up?"

"I know you lied mommy. Daddy isn't okay you just said that so we wouldn't worry. But it's okay mommy I'll protect you until daddy's back."

"Thank you baby. Come here." I hold Dylan and feel a few tears fall down my face.

I fall asleep to the sound of Dylan's breathing. I don't know what I would do without my kids. They keep me sane and I wouldn't change anything that has happened for anything in the world.

I get woken up by my phone ringing. As I see who it is I immediately get off the bed without waking up Dylan and go to my office.

"Detective David what can I help you with?"

"Mrs. Knight we found your husband he's at the hospital right now if you would like to come but their will be some stuff you need to know about before you see him."

"What is it detective?"

"I'll just inform you when you get here. Thank you ma'am I'll see you here."

I call the nanny as soon as I'm done with the call. I change quickly and just as I finish I hear the door. I welcome the nanny and ask her to stay with the kids until I come back.

I try to drive safely but I just want to make my way quickly to the hospital. I park and make my way to the front office where I see the detective waiting for me.

"Hi detective."

"Hello ma'am."

"You said you needed to tell me something about Jake?"

"Yes, well you see he's physically fine but he did suffer a head injury and he can't seem to remember anything that happened the last 6 years."

"What!?! Oh god. What is their to do?"

"Right now just to help him out and try to get him to remember. I'll let you go see him."

I make my way and stop right in front of the door before I take a breath and push the door open. I freeze at the sight before me. No


Hey their my beautiful readers hope you guys had a great day. I'm trying to update as much as possible. Let me know what you think about the chapter.

Until next time,
Bye readers♥️

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