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I pull myself up out of my bed as i hear a knock at the front door. I could'nt believe it. Did he find me again? Panic started boiling in my chest. No he couldn't have, i moved across the country, follow me... I don't think...

I go to change my clothes but realize im still wearing my Asking Alexandria t-shirt and my black, torn skiny jeans that i had worn the day before. I looked over at the clock, it was 5pm, wow i didnt realize that i had sletp that long. i walked to the couch and yanked my Batman converse on and walked to the door. I glanced in the peek hole, i couldnt make out the face but i could tell by the build that it wasnt Jacob. I pulled the door open to revel 5 men, the one in front opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it, looking at my arm. Puzzled i looked down to see what he was looking at... I still had a black and purple burise around my wrist. i grabe my hoodie that i had tossed on the ground the night before. "I'm Danny," he said, his eyes were a foggy mourning blue, his hair was trusle brown and sweeped in a curve on his forehead, He pulled his eyes back up looking me in the eyes. "We are having some car troubles, is it ok if we stay here just until we can get someone to pick us up?"

My frist instinct was too close the door and lock it. But as i glanced over the others standing behind him, i felt like i had seen them before. My eyes narrowed on the man standing in the back, his hair color was a little darker then the so called 'Danny's. Wait i had seen this hair, i remember drouling over a man with this hair. I gasped loudly as i realized who they were. They all jumped, i swung the door the rest of the way open.

"Come in." I said, i felt so stupid because my dog, Abby, ran out of the door, "O shit!" I ran out the door after her, her pitch black coat gleamed in the sunlight. She still had the leash hooked to her colar from our walk the other day when i came home and passed out on the bed. She was runing full speed torwards Ben Bruce. I had just got to where Ben was when Abby decided to turn around from behind Ben, and ran around me in a circle. We both tumbled and hit the ground with a thud. I hear him moan an when i open my eyes i realize that i fell ontop of him. I can feel someone pulling me up and when my feet are planted on the ground i looked at the person that helped me up. It was Sam Bettly, beside him Cameron Liddell was helping Ben. As i glanced back at Danny i finaly realize... He's Danny Worsnop, oh my god... OH MY GOD!!! I had always loved Asking Alexandria, and i Loved Danny the most.

Behind Danny, James Cassells had grabed Abbys leash and pushed her in the house closing the door. Then out of know where they all start laughing and i can't help but laugh to.

Then i realize, i havent laughed this hard since before Adam had... My smile fades and tears pull at my heart as i think of my little brother. He was only 16, he was so young, to young to die the way he did. And it was all my fault... It would always be my fault, i was the oldest i was supposed to take care of us, protect us, but i failed... A single tear ran down my face.

Anger bubbled in me. I was mad at myself and mad at Jacob, if i hadnt trust Jacob my brother would still be alive...


My mind couldnt stop, i had to get away from him. Jake wouldnt stop hurting me and i knew that. So i thought to myself 'I have to leave... Now' I run to Adams room, he's siting there on his laptop. "Adam, pack your stuff, Quick! We are leaving!" I dont wait for an answer i ran back to my bed room, throwing stuff in a bag. I strode down the steps and droped my bag next to the door. I entered the kitchen and grabed the cooler throwing ice in it and piling soda cans and snacks into it. I felt a strong rough hand grab my arm and twist me around. I snap around to see Jacob standing there eyes narrowed and angry. Panic hit me instantly. I heard Adam coming down the staris, "Adam, Take my bag to the car and stay there!" I looked at the doorway where he stood, "Go!!!" I yelles at him. In a quick secound he snached my bag and was runing out to the car.  Jacob jerked me hard "here In the Hell do you think your going!!!" I winced at the pain. I didnt anwser, not wanting him to get angry. but it didnt help he slamed me into the counter. "Anwser Me!!!!!!" Evil pour out of his voice making my heart jump in a scared kitten way. "Please, let us go!" I cryed, "Please Jake, i just want to leave." Tears were pouring down my face. He smirked, and slamed his fist into my face. Everything went black.

The Price Of Becoming Someones Dream ( Asking Alexandria )Where stories live. Discover now