Love Me With You Best Shot

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~Jordyns POV~

My eyes flutered open as someone was shaking my arm. "Wake up love." I looked up to see Sam leaning over me. He chuckled and kicked Danny, who was still asleep. "Wake up asshole, We have to leave in an hour." Sam kicked him in the leg again. Dannys eyes opened unwillingly. I couldnt help but smile when i saw his facical expresion. We looked at eachother for a moment  and then he pulled me into a gental carring. Cameron, and James must have come out and i didnt realize it because they all busted into laughing. Sam had tears in his eyes, "So how was it last night? I cant believe Danny brought you out here to fuck! Thats Pricless!!!!" Sam said while wipping tears from his eyes. Danny glared at them, "Go to hell moron." We stood and he looked at me, "Go inside and get your stuff together, ill be in a minuite." I nodded and walked inside.

I made my way to my bed room, and started throwing sme clothes in a bag, after all of my clothes were ready i walk to my dresser and picked up the picture of Adam, my best friend Cassie, amd me all sitting ontop of my old beat up truck. I carfully placed it in my bag net to a picture that Cassie had taken of me and Danny at prom. I smiled at the memories, i missed Adam and my friends. I havent seen Cassie since the day i toke off after Adams funeral, she had called me tons of times asking where i was, but all i could ever say was ' I cant come back, im sorry." and then hang up.

I heard someone walk in the room, i turned around to see Ben standing there, looking like someone had just tore him in half. "Whats wrong?" I ask watching him closly. He ignored me, "Did you have sex with Danny last night?" He asked taking a step torwards me, his voice was rough. I looked at him "What?" I was geting angry but it didnt show in my voice. He asked again, "Did you fuck Danny?" He steped closer, only an inch away from me. I tryed to step back but i was already against the dresser.

"Why do you care?" I spat at him. His eyes narrowed, "Did you?!" "No! But why do you care!?!" I yelled. He grabed my hand and looked me in the eyes, "I like you, i like you a lot, I hope you feel the same." His eyes serched mine for an anwser. "I care about Danny." I whispered. He grabed my face and kissed me roughly, i tryed to pushed away but he had me pinned into the dresser. He pulled back, and looked at me, "Please tell me you felt that, Tell me you feel the same way i do." I looked deep into his eyes, "Ben, your a cool guy and all, but i dont feel that way about you, im sorry." He looked crushed, but what was i supposed yo say? I love Danny not Ben. He sliped out of the door with anger and pain corsing through him, at least thats wht it looked like when he sped past Danny who was coming in. He looked at me "What was that about?" he asked coming over and wraping his arms around me. "I dont know" I mumbled. Puting stuff in my bag, He leaned down and kissed the side of my neck softly. "I'll help you get stuff together." He chirped grabing the bag out of my hand and tossing it on the bed.

I watched him walk back over to me, "Is everything ok? you seem... I dont know, your not acting yourself." He toke my hand and kissed my palm softly, then pulled me close. I wraped my arms around his neck, "Yes im perfectly perfect." as i kissed his cheek.

He laughed lightly, when i tryed to walk away he lightly grabed my wrist to keep from leaving, i gasped in pain as his hand pressed into my bruise. He let go of me as soon as he realized. "Oh my god im so sorry babe! i didnt mean to, Plea-"  I cut him off, "Danny, Danny its ok, calm down, i know you didnt mean to. Its ok." 

I heard Cams voice, "Lets go! I want to get to the concert in time please!" Danny glared up at him. I chuckled and toke his hand. I reached for my bag but he swept it up before i had the chance. "I can carry my own stuff you know." my lips pulled up into a smile. "Yes i know, but im a gentlmen... When i want to be."  i heard his foot steps behind me as i walked out of the front door to see the tour bus.

The  next thing i knew Danny threw me over his shoulder, "DANNY!!!!" I screamed, and laughed at the same time, "Put me down!!!" I hit him in the back playfully. "Never!!!" He said doing his impretion of the beast from Beauty And The Beast. "You are mine Now!" He walked into the tour bus, holding me with one hand and my bag in the other.

Sam looked up at us from his seat on the couch, "Hey Jordy." He smiled up at me. "Hold this." Danny droped the bag on Sam and walked back to the bunks. "Here we are Beauty," He layed me in his bunk, i knew it was his because it smelled like him, smoke, liquor, colone, and the sweet spicy amazing scent of Danny, yes Danny has his own smell, and it makes me melt. He climbed in next to me and looked down at me with a look that can ony be described as completly in Love. "If you'll be my Bella, ill be your Edward." I gigled, i found it sweet that he remembered that i loved twilight. We went to the theater to go see it a few days before prom. After the movie....


I heard a knock on the door so i jumped up and hopped over to see who it was. I pulled it open and squeeled, "Danny!!!" I jumped into his hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked walking inside. He followed me in. "Go change, we're going to the movies." He beamed at me. "Ok hold on." I ran upstairs and pulled on a black Black Veil Brides shirt and white skinny jeans, brushed my hair and quickly aplied some eyeliner and lipgloss. Then i skipped down stairs where Danny was waiting. "Alright, Lets go." I looped my arm through his and we ran to the car.

When we got to the movie theater i texted Adam telling him i was at the movies and to lock the door when he got home, i wasnt sure when i would be back.

After the movie we decided to go get some pizza and go to our park, we always met at the park when we were kids so my parents wouldnt find out, because my father said i didnt need to hang out with anyone that listened to devil music.

Once we got there, we sat in the car eating our pizza. i finished and looked over at Danny who just droped his last bite of pizza on his white pants. I couldnt help but laugh out loud. He glared at me and then without warning pushed me over in his white truck. We both laughed, he was leaning over me and gazing in my eyes, he leaned in and we kissed. Slowly at first then with firey passion. We yanked eachothers clothes off, only breaking our kissed once. The touch of his body made my skin tingle. His hands moved up my back pulling me close and slightly lifting me. I left a deep push and he was inside, it hurt at first then an amazing feeling came from between my legs. He thrust again and again, making me moan with pleasure. I never want this to end....

~Normal Time~

I chudled into his chest, "I'll always be your Bella." He pulled me ontop of him. "Good, Later we'll get a hotel and ill break the headboard."

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