Forgiving And Understanding

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I sat there in the moon light, just gazing into those wonderful blue eyes. I couldnt believe that he wanted me back, after all of the years that we didnt even speak to eachother.

He must have seen in my eyes that i was thinking about those briliant years we spent together, and then the ones i went through hell when he wasnt there. He pulled me close to him, and looked down at me, "Jordyn, i'm sorry i left you like that. I really am."


 I cant believe this! Jake should be here by now! Prom started in 30 minutes, he said he would be here! I was standing outside in my extremly short crimson red dress that had no straps, black mesh was all over it, except at the very top had a little bit of black lace. My best friend in the whole world gave it to me, Danny.

I kept watching for Jake, peering out down the street to see if i saw his car. I grabed my phone dialing him quickly, straight to voicemail. I sat down on the front porch steps staring at the cement sidewalk infront of me.

I was lost in thought, Mabye i should just go inside theres no point in waiting. Right before i stood, two black dress shoes came into veiw, and the slick honey suckle voice rang out, "Hey there beautiful!"

I didnt need to look up i knew it was Danny, i chuckled and looked up, he was wearing a black tux with a silver tie, his hair was combed perfectly, his smile made me feel like i was floating. He put his hand out to help me up and i toke it, something that you wouldnt think about Danny, he has a firm grip. He gently pulle me up, when i was standing i realized just how close we realy were, his face was about 2 inches from mine. He leaned in slowly for a kiss, i looked down, "we should go." i mumbled, "Dont want to be late."

We got there just as it was geting started. He looked over at me, "Why are you dating such an asshole?" He ask me, staring into my eyes. "Danny, Please, Im talking about this right know. Can we Please go have fun?" He looked at me for a moment and nodded.

We walked into the gym, where the prom was being held. Differnt colored litghts danced across the floor. My favorite song was playing, Broken by Lifehouse. My eyes shot to Danny in excitement, he chuckled and put out his hand, his smile made my insides melt. "May i have this dance My Beautiful Princess?" I smiled brighter and toke his hand.

He pulled me to the dance floor and placed his hands on my hips, i wraped my arms aroun his neck, and we moved in a slow circle. I looked down at his chest, it felt good here, in Dannys arms i mean. I could relaxe here, i felt safe here...

No, No Jordyn, you have to stop, you aren't dating Danny, your dating Jacob. I felt a rough hand rip me away from Dannys arms, i looked up to see Jacob, angry and screaming. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DANCING WITH A FUCKING FAG!?!?!" Pain exploded in my wrist that he still had in a death grip. "Ow! Let go of me Jake! Your hurting me!" I tryed to wigle out of his grip but i couldnt.

He twisted me around "SHUT UP! FUCKING SLUT!!!" I felt a stinging pain slam me in the side of the face. Thats when i heard Danny. "BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!!" The next thing i knew i was free and Jacob was lying on the floor passed out.

Danny looked at me, "Are you ok?" He asked me with concern in his voice. "Yea im fine." I lied. He gently toke my hand and examined it, there were red marks around my wrist that were starting to swell. "Come on" He pulled me through the crowd and we walked back to the car.

"Jordyn," He said glancing at me, "Run away with me. Your brother can come to, We need to leave this god awful town. I've been planing to leave for a while, but i waited for you to get out of school so you could come. The bands doing great we're going on our first tour soon, i want you to come, Adam to." I heard the plea in his voice but i just cant leave, not yet, my brother is still in school. "I cant Danny, Adam has school. Im not ready to leave this life yet." As i looed over at him i saw a tear roll down his face. "Fine." He growled and stoped the car in front of my house. "I'm sorry Danny" He didnt wait for me to close the door, he just took off in a flash of speed.

I tryed to call him thousands of times a day, but he never awnsered."

~Back To Real Time~

A tear threated to escape me, but i didnt let it. "You didnt say goodbye, you never picked up the phone. You left me..." My voice cracked when i said left.

I nodiced a tear sliding down his face, he cuped my face in his hands and said, "I know i hurt you, i was hurt when you wouldnt come with me. So i pushed all of the memories of you out, i couldnt talk to you i just could make myself do it Jordyn. Im so sorry. I will never hurt you again, Please for give me. I love you and i cant push you away again. And i wont let you slip away. Please, Please forgive me. I love you." He pleaded with his eyes, resting his forehead on mine and we cryed together. "If you dont come this time im not going either. And Adam can come to if he still lives with you. Did he move out?"

My heart stoped and i sobbed into Dannys shoulder. "Whats wrong? Jordyn, Please tell me."

~FlashBack~ Sorry theres so many, o well my story! xD

I hit him in the side of the face with a pan, and ran out of the house trying to get to the car where Adam was waiting so we could leave. I was almost there when i felt him push me to the ground and punch me rpetivly. I cry of agaony escaped my lips.

I heard a car door slam and Adam yelling "Get Off Of My Sister Jocob!!!!!!"

Jake fell to the ground as Adam kicked him, he reached down and pulled me up. We ran to the car, i felt Jake grab my hair and pull me back, i screamed. Adam rushed over swinging at Jake. "NO ADAM!" I screamed, but it was to late he fell into the road as a large truck was passing. "NO!!" I screamed, and cried. I ran to him aand pull his body to me, he was bloody and barly breathing. "Adam Dont You Dare Leave Me! Everythings Going To Be Fine, Just Hold On!" He looked straight in my eyes, "Jordy," He mumbled, hardly able to speak. "Dont talk Adam, Hold on everythings going to be fine. Ok? Just hold on." I choked. "Jordy, I.. love you... dont forget.. me. Y-You w... wont forget me.... right?" I cryed harder. "Dont say goodbye Adam your fine!!!!" I yelled. He coughed, "i love you......" His breathing stoped and so did my heart. "NO!!!" I screamed "NO!!!! NO NO NO!!! ADAM!!! NO!!! COME BACK!!! ADAM!!! SON OF A BITCH COME BACK!!!" I shoke him, he didnt move or make a sound, the truck driver called 911, and tryed to pulled me off of him but i wouldnt let go, i was clinging to my brother. I was supposed to protect him and i failed, I cryed holding my baby brothers lifless body.....

This was my fault i killed him.....

~Back To Normal Time~

I cryed until i had no more liquid in my body, Danny looked at me "Whats wrong?" he asked with an overwhelming amount of sadness in the his voice. I told him everything, What Jake had done and the last words my brother told me. He hugged mr tight and stroked my hair, "Your coming with us. You dont have a choice know, im never going to let that creep get near you ever again, Never again."

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