Please Baby I'm Scared

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~Jordyns POV~

It's been weeks since i've spoken to Ben. He told Danny it was fine and that he didnt think we were a real thing anyway but i knew that hea was lying. Its Ben Bruce, he wouldnt buy an engagment ring for anyone. I mean he's a huge manwhore, girls didnt matter to him, even if he thought they were having his child he wouldnt ask them to marry him.... I feel terrible but i guess theres nothing i can do now... Eccept....

"Danny, you guys go on tour in a few days right?" I walked over to Danny, where he had been sitting on the couch typing on his laptop.

"Yea, tomorow. Why?" He broke his eyes away from the laptop as he snaked his arms around me. "Wait before you tell me, i want you to know that you ARE coming." His voice was chirpy and sweet.

"I that an order? Maybe i don't wanta come." I leaned down and kissed his lips softly, with my arms around his neck.

In one movement he had me pushed down on the couch and was hovering over me. "Yes it was an order. You both are coming." He kissed my belly, making me laugh.

"I love you Danny." My voice came out in a whisper.

"I love you too. Both of you." A slime always seemed to find its place when he spoke about Our baby.

I Can't believe that Danny Worsnop, the only boy i have ever really loved, was the father of this perfect child inside of me. I hope it had Dannys eyes, they are so perfect.... Yes i deffinitly want the baby to have his eyes.

"Ok fine. But...." I smiled at him, "I want my friend Amy to come with us." I was demanding but sweet all at once, and Danny always loved it when i spoke to him like that.

"I don't know...." He said looking thoughtful.

"Pleeeeaaaassssseeee. Purdy Please?!" Im whined, kissing him on the cheek. After a moment i could see him start to give in.

"Ok, but she has to watch over you. Thats the only way shes aloud to come...... Why do you want her to come anyways? Isn't she the girl that gave you that tatoo of your brother?"

I nodded, "Yup, and im going to be doing some of my perfect match making... Hey! Can my friend Cassie come to?! I promise We'll be good! I havn't seen her in forever! And she does tatoos to, im sure her and Amy would give you all free tats if you let them come." I begged him with my eyes.

"We don't have enough bunks..." His voice was whiney and getting on my nerves. I pushed him lightly on the ground and got on top of him.

"Then i shall ask the guys if they can share bunks with my buddies." I chirpped as i jumped up, running over to the phone and dialing Ben first because i knew Cassie was in love with him.

After a moment or to he picked up, "Hey Danny whats up?" he sounded tired. I think i woke him up.... Opps.

"It's Jordy, and would you share a bunk with my friend? She's hot." I rammed everything together.

"Um... Sure....."

"THANKS BENNY BOO!!!!!" I screamed then slamed the phone down.

One down. Now one more... Hmmmm.

I pressed Sams number in and waited.

"Hello." His voice belowed through the phone at me.

"Share a bunk with my friend please?" I begged.

"Sure, wait its a girl right?.... She sexy?"

"Yep! Tatoo artist." I purred.

"Hm very nice.... Alright for you, but she can't bring guys back to fuck them in my bunk. She needs to know that."

"No problem Sammy, Thank you!"

After i ended the call i bounced over to Danny, "I'Can you go to the store? I want cookies." I pleaded, as i sat down on his lap, kissing his cheek.

"I'm busylove. I'm sorry. Why don't you do get them, the keys in my leather jacket." His lips brushed against mine.

"Hmph. Fine." I stood pecking him one last time on the lips. "Do you need anything?" He nodded no.

"I love you." I smiled walking out the door in my black jeans and 'Fuck Pain Theres More To Gain' T-shirt.

As i closed the door i heard him say he loved me more. I chuckled to myself.

As i got in my new truck that Danny had gotten me i thought about how perfect ours lives were, about how much of an amazing father he would make. Im just scared that i wont be the right knid of mother but i know that no matter what Danny will be there for me and i will for him. Thats all we need, i know we can make it through this.

My phone rang so i picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hey love its me, can you grab some milk? We ran out."

I Laughed, "Maybe its because you drink it ALL THE TIME."

He chuckled sweetly, "You want your man to be strong, don't you?"

"Yes baby, i want you to be stong. Im almost at the store." I said as i stoped at a red light.

"Ok, see you soon, I love you." His british accent flowed over the line.

"I love you t-"

Tries squeeld, glass went everywhere. Thee sound of bending metal pounded my ear drum. A blood chocked scream bit the air.

I could faintly hear Danny on the line.

"JORDYN!? JORDYN ARE YOU OK?! BABY ANSWER ME!!!!" His voice was paniced and angery.

I could feel the hot, fimilar touch of blood running down my face. I could barly move, but he had to know. i had to tell him.

Slowly i moved the phone a bit closer, "Danny...." i whispered. "I love you..."

"Jordyn! No baby we ARE NOT Saying goodbyes! OK?! You are OK. Just hold on!" I could tell by his voice he was holding back tears.

"I love you Danny.... im sorry...." The bitter iron taste of blood filled my mouth.

"No baby! Please! PLEASE!" His voice choked through tears.

"Goodbye my love....." I whispered moments before blackness consumed me.

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