Something Strange

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Dāku POV:
The teacher was droning on about the extinction of many different types of animals. So I decided that I would see what Light was up to. When I looked up I saw that he was watching me, he saw that I looking back. He quickly turned his head to the window, then I saw it. It was a notebook falling from the sky. It appeared that Light saw it as well. When school ended I was called to the teacher's desk for a moment, Light went outside, probably to get that notebook.

Light POV:
After school was let out in was walking past the spot where I saw the notebook land. I picked it up it read: Death Note.

I thought to myself, 'Death Note? As in a notebook of death?'

I opened it up and read the first sentence, 'The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die.'

I put it back and walked off, 'That's pretty lame, not to mention twisted. It's not really that different from one of those chain letters you get. The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die? Come on."

I decided to grab it anyways, at the train crossing I mentally slapped myself, 'There must something wrong with me to even consider it.'

When I got home I decided to examine it more...

Dāku POV:
I went outside to see if Light got the notebook. When I got to the point where the notebook should be, I noticed that it was gone.

I spoke out loud, "I guess Light got it first."

I walked down the street and I saw news reporters all over the place, when I saw police in riot gear I knew something bad was happening.

I used my neko senses to figure out what was happening.

I overheard one of the reporters say, "the same assailant who attacked six people at a busy shopping district has taken people hostage at this daycare center, hostages are both children and teachers."

I gasped, I couldn't believe it and it was so close to my house! I quickly went to the front and watched in horror as no one came out, then I checked my watch to see what time it was.

My watch read 6:23 pm. Then I heard , "The hostages are coming out, and they all look to be unharmed. Special forces are taking action."

I wondered if they arrested the man that did this, that was until I say them drag his corpse out on a stretcher.

I heard a news reporter say, "We now have confirmation: the suspect was found dead inside police are denying any allegations that they shot the suspect, according to the hostages he just suddenly collapsed."

I then went home, still shaken from the incident...

Ryuk POV:
I stood up from my spot, "Its been five days, now then I better get going."

One of my kind questioned, "Eh, you going somewhere Ryuk?"

Another said, "Hate to tell you but our whole world looks like this."

I responded, "That's true but I've dropped my Death Note."

The two of them laughed, "You really messed things up, didn't you?"

The other laughed, "Hold on a sec, didn't you already trick the old man into getting a second book? Don't tell me you dropped both of them."

The first said, "You must have some idea where you dropped the thing."

I said, "Yeah, the human world."

They gasped, "What?"

Dāku POV:
It's been five days since Light and I saw that notebook and in my opinion Light has been acting different. I also heard that my parents had suffered an heart attack and died. Being their only child and them having no will, all of their money passed on to me. I've been using it to get more things. I also heard of a rumor of someone named Kira who has been killing criminals, I believe he caused my parents death, one day I want to thank him before he gets caught. And I wonder how he's able to kill all these people at different places at the same time.

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