The Kiras Meet

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Dāku POV:
I was snuggling up to L when Watari came in, saying, "The second Kira just sent a video and a journal. Should we inform Light?"

L told him that he should get Mr Yagami to tell him. Watari left to do that as L them kissed my cheek. I giggled and snuggled even closer, the warmth of his body was relaxing.

We listened as Mr Yagami told Light, "There was another message sent by the second Kira. It was sent to Sakura TV studio and we intercepted it. I've been told it's a video and a journal this time. Anyways I thought I should tell you."

When Light get to headquarters I could tell he was angry, when I looked at him I noticed that he was staring at L and me.

When he was handed the journal entries I kept a constant watch on him, he asked, "He wanted the journal shown on TV?"

I answered, "Yes, he did. Take a look and tell me what us think."

Light curiously mentioned, "These entries are from last year."

L told him, "Take a look at the entry for the 30th."

As Light did that, I snuggled up even more on L. Light's face, at least for a second, and his heartbeat said that he was getting angry. Suddenly, while he was looking at the entries I heard him gasp, his heartbeat quickened with surprise. Not wanting to give my unique ability of hearing to everyone, I pinched L's arm.

He understood and whispered, "You can tell me later."

Light didn't notice the exchange between me and L, he was far too busy analyzing what was in the journal.

I then decided to ask, "What do you think? Is it real?"

Light thought fit a second before answering, "At this point in time all I can say fit sure is that he must be stupid."

Matsuda commented, "I agree I mean it's completely obvious he wants to top meet Kira at the home game."

Mr Yagami added, "Doesn't he understand what would happen if we aired this message? It without create an immediate panic and the have we'll have to have the game cancelled."

L started, "To be honest it's so stupid, I'm not even sure how to deal with this whole situation anymore. If we make the diary public then we'd be forced to make an announcement cancelling the game on the 30th. But it's we don't broadcast it we can be sure that the second Kira won't do anything about it."

Matsuda questioned, "Won't cancelling the game make him angry? There's no telling what he'll do."

I caught on, "Frankly that's not a big concern, from what we've witnessed is safe to say the second Kira admires the real one. He gave his word to the Kira we invented that he refrain from killing aimlessly, I'm inclined to believe that."

L then spoke his thoughts, "I say we make it public, immediately after we air an announcement cancelling the game. At the same time we announce that on May 30th well at up checkpoints on all roads leading to the Tokyo Dome. And finally well send a response from our invented Kira, something like, 'I understand and I'll meet you there'"

Mr Yagami asked, "Ryuzaki, you don't honestly expect him to go there is we set up checkpoints around the Dome, do you?"

L responded, "I don't think that Kira would even consider it. But it's possible the other one might. It all depends on how stupid he really is. However, assuming he's not actually the idiot we that we think he is, there could be another message hidden in this diary. Once that not so obvious, if there is a message here written in some code that only people who have this 'Shinigami Power' can understand. There would be no way for me to decipher it. Still it would only mate sense to look into all of the places mentioned on the journal. On the 22nd he's meeting a friend in Aynama, on the 24th he's meeting another friend in Shiboya. Let's be prepared for the possibility that all our efforts will be fruitless. Let's keep an eye out for people with notebooks in Aynama, and people in clothing stores in Shiboya."

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