Entrance Ceremony

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Dāku POV:
I haven't seen Light in a week, Halos said that no one has come by during the time of my interrogation from the police.

Halos looked at the calendar, "Well would you look at the day, do you want me to come with you to the entrance exam for Touou University?"

I thought about it for a second, then nodded, "Yes, just don't seem attached. You know that I only want people as friends."

Halos nodded before grabbing his car keys. While we drove Halos kept looking at me, almost like he's concerned about something.

Finally he broke the silence, "Sooo, what do you think you're going to make?"

I honestly answered him, "I think that I'm going to flunk out."

Halos sternly scolded me, "Don't sell yourself short. You're smarter than you realise."

I just sighed, "Whatever you say...."

He found where my ears meet my head and started scratching there I leaned in and purred slightly.

He laughed a little before I hit his hand away, "Stop that!"

Halos just chuckled a bit, "Come on, you know I like that sound."

I blushed slightly, but pouted, "And you know that I don't want people to know that I can purr."

Halos sighed, "Yeah, I know. But that was in the US, you still don't know how the people of Japan will react. You should give them a chance."

I countered, "Only one other person besides us knows that I'm a neko. But he is much more understanding than everyone else"

Halos looked at me surprised and confused, "You did? Who?"

I just replied, "Someone who doesn't want to be known."

Halos just shrugged and continued driving.

I pointed to the college grounds, "Pull in there."

Halos nodded before parking in the parking lot. When I got out I heard the familiar voice that could only belong to...

"Hey Light," I called to my Japanese friend.

Light smiled at me but frowned when he saw Halos, "Who's this Dāku?"

Halos was about to speak, but I cut him off, "Light this is Halos, my only friend from the US. Halos this is Light Yagami, my only friend in Japan."

Halos held his hand out for Light to shake. Light have Halos a forced smile, it was obvious that he didn't like my American friend. Then I had to say bye to Halos and walked in with Light.

As we were walking down towards the building, one of the people giving the test called out, "You there, the exam will be starting in ten minutes. So you better hurry up!"

Light simply responded, with a lot of confidence, "It's fine, I planned on getting here three minutes before the test, I hate waiting. I'm here too early."

Then Light looked at me, "Good luck."

I nodded my thanks before I say down across from.... L!?

I read shocked, L looked at me and motioned for me to be silent. I nodded my understatement as the the exam wash given out.

Then at the teacher called out, "And, begin."

As we were taking the it served easy to me, which surprised me. I was expecting something very difficult. Then I noticed the over seer started walking towards me and L.

He supposed right beside L and me, "You there student 162, sit properly in your chair."

That's when I sat that Light also started to focus on L.

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