More Friends

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I was hanging out with Light when a girl bumped into me 'accidently' sending me into him, knocking his stuff on the ground. I glared at the girl before noticing what I recognized as the notebook from the sky.

Before I could grab it, Light suddenly distracted me by asking the girl, "Why did you do that?"

The girl said, sarcasticly, "I'm sorry, I didn't see her."

Light checked on me to make sure that I was okay. When he was sure that I wasn't harmed I noticed that he whispered something over his shoulder.

I asked, "What did you say?"

Light looked at me, "What? Oh yeah, your hearing. It's nothing."

Then I saw that his hand was on top of mine, I saw him blush a little when he noticed it.

I asked, "Went are you blushing? I thought we agreed to stay only as friends."

Light tried to recover, "It's just that you're beautiful, what guy wouldn't want to be your friend?"

I sighed, "Well, see you at cram school."

As I walked off I heard Light say, "Knock it off, Ryuk. I told you she's just a friend. I know that I did that for her. Shut up shinigami."

I almost stopped dead in my tracks, 'Shinigami? Is Light somehow Kira? No there's no way the Light Yagami I know would kill people.'

Ryuk POV:
That girl, something is different about her. I need to ask Light about her more.

I started, "Hey Light."

Light looked at me, "What is it?"

I went straight to the point, "What exactly do you know about that girl?"

Light just shrugged, "Same as everyone else, same as saying not much, she is shy and reclusive. She doesn't like most people from the fact that she was bullied a lot for an unknown reason. Even I don't know why she was bullied."

I started thinking, 'How interesting...'

<Time skip brought to you by Light writing in the Death Note.>

Dāku POV:
As I walked home after cram school I felt as if I was being watched. I stopped and I heard footsteps behind me. I started to get scared.

I quickly turned around and yelled, obviously scared, "Who's there? I know you're there! Please come out."

When no one responded I started running, thinking, 'No no no no no! Did one of the people from the US find me? I need to get home!"

I heard the person running was catching up with me.

I cried out, "Leave me alone!"

Then I was tackled to the ground. When I looked up I saw someone that I thought left me when we were children.

I yelped in surprise, "Halos?"

My long time ago friend smiled, whispering my secret, "How's my little neko friend?"

I stood up, dusting off my clothes, "No one knows I'm a neko anymore. I've been hiding that from everyone."

Halos looked at me inquisitively, "Why, that's why I liked you so much."

I avoided that topic by asking, using my neko eyes to make a begging face, "Can you get off me, please?"

Halos chuckled while getting up, "Of course my little neko."

I used to love that nickname. But now I fear it.

Halos seemed to notice my sudden shift in mood because he lifted my face and kissed my cheek, "I understand why you don't want people to know you're a neko. Come on let's go to your house."

I nodded my head, shocked. And let him drag me to my house. When we got inside he set me down on the couch and sat in the chair and watched me peacefully.

We watched the news to see if they would mention how close they were to finding Kira. When nothing happened we simply went to sleep. Little did I know that when all this happened Kira killed 12 FBI agents, one of which was following me until his death was also the one that gave the file to Kira. Putting me on L's radar.

So this Dāku is Kira? She seems to be classmates with Light Yagami, and they seem to be close. Maybe they both work together as Kira. After all Dāku's parents were one of the earlier victims. But what doesn't make sense to me is that Dāku that helped me solve her case didn't seem to be the kind to want their deaths, she wanted them to suffer for what they did to the her. Still, I cannot ignore the fact that the FBI agent that was following her was the same one that gave Kira the fibres that lead to the other eleven's deaths. I have no choice but to talk to her as L, but not in a public message, I will have the police get her in an interrogation room. I contacted the police force heading up the Kira case.

I stated, "Chief I need you to capture a student named Dāku. I have reason to believe that she is somehow connected to Kira, she might even know who Kira is."

Chief Yagami asked, "What makes you so sure?"

I then answered, "Her parents were some of the earlier victims, that and the FBI agent following her seems to have been the one that leaked the other agents' information that led to them dying."

Chief Yagami nodded before ordering the arrest of Dāku.

<Time skip brought to you by Ryuk flying begins Light>

Light POV:
I was reading my dad's police files in the Kira investigation. Then I came across something that made my heart drop.

Ryuk noticed my sudden freeze up, "What wrong Light? Normally you would have made some comment on the polices' actions, so what's so different this time?"

I looked at Ryuk, "They think that Dāku is Kira. They're planning to arrest her tomorrow morning."

Ryuk laughed, "Maybe if you weren't so fixated on her maybe you could have prevented this."

I simply looked back at the computer screen, "Damn you L."

Dāku POV:
I woke up when Halo shook me.

I smiled, "What's up?"

He answered with a scared face, "there are a couple of police officers that want to ask you questions."

My eyes grew wide, nodding I got up and went in the police car and Leo them take me to the police station...

A/n: I would like to state that Halos01 allowed me to use theit oc named Halos. Thanks for all the help you guys.

Siris: Don't forget to check out Halos01 profile.

A/n: Anyways, talk to all of you next chapter.

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