Friends or Enemies

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Dāku POV:
I decided to go with Light and L to the tennis court, I was no good at sports so I decided that I'd try to take a nap on one of the benches.

On the way to the court they were going to use, Light started, "I have to admit I'm surprised Ryuga, I never thought that you'd ask me to play tennis as a way to get to know each other."

L questioned, "Is it a problem for you?"

Light simply turned to him, "Not at all. But when you first invited me to play, did you know how good I was?"

L countered with, "Yes, I'll be fine though. It's been a while but at one time I was actually the British Jr Champion."

Light waited a little, as if thinking, before asking, "Ryuga were you raised in the UK?"

L saw straight through the attempt to discover more about him, "I lived in England for about five years even I was younger. But save your breath, nothing in that story would reveal L's true identity, I promise you," then he added, "Well since its our match why don't we play a single set. First one to six?"

Light agreed, "That's fine by me."

While L began to serve, I curled into a ball and tried to sleep. However, before I could I saw L give me a small smile. Light seemed to be aggravated that I was paying attention to L. L served and hit the fence behind Light.

Light looked shocked as L said, "Fifteen lug."

Light praised L, "Woah, Ryuga, you sure don't mess around."

L replied, "He who strikes first wins."

As they played, I began to notice that people were starting to watch in amazement.

The match ended when Light best L. Everyone cheered, some looked at me, in particular some jock, named Mat, who has been trying to talk to me since the entrance ceremony. He started walking towards me.

'Why can't that guy just take a hint?' is all I thought when he at beside me.

He looked up and down my body and smirked, "Hey good looking, why don't we go somewhere more private?"

I brushed him off, saying, "Not interested. I've told you I'm not looking for a relationship, nor am I interested in people. I'd like you to respect that."

I saw L and Light start walking in my direction, they noticed that I was getting upset.

L came up to my side asking, "Is there a problem Dāku? You seem upset."

Mat tried to push L back, "Don't worry, I'll keep her company," he tried to grab me, "Cover on sweet cheeks, we're going someplace else. Hopefully somewhere more private."

I yanked my arm out of his hand, yelling, "Keep away from me!"

People noticed the commotion and started circling us to see what was going on.

Mat looked at me,  "Come on, why don't you hang out with me, ditch those losers."

I shot back, "They aren't losers, they're my friends. And if you know what's good for you, then you'll back off."

Mat nodded towards his friends, they came towards me and tried to grab me. Using my neko strength I punched one of them in the face, he fell down screaming in pain. The others faltered, that was until Mat wrapped his arms around my body, pinning my arms to my sides.

He called his friends, "Come on guys, let's have some fun with her."

They started laughing, until I used my heel and kicked him as hard as I could in the crotch. He fell down and I ran.

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