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Zachs pov

We finally get to bring Opal home, Im so ready for her to get to the WDW house. But i dont know who the boys will react with a new baby

I mean we will be up in the middle of the night alot with her, i just hope it doesnt get in the way of things.

Emma pov

So today is the dag we finally bring Opal home.

"Emma you ready" zach asked me "oh yeah im ready to take a shower and rest alittle then get take care of the Baby"

"Aww my sweet girl, im sorry"

"Why are you sorry" " becuase i did that to you, got you pregnant, then made you wait 9 months in order to see her"

Wow i never knew he really felt that way

"Zachy is ok, its not your fault remember i wanted this too"

"I know but I cant help but feel that this is somehow my fault"

"Ugh Zach no its not your fault its-I um.."

"See I knew it was my fault" "oh dear Zach shut up"

Right when I was about to kiss him Opal started crying.

"ugh is she always going to do that"

"Zach clam down shes just a new born we'll get used to it,i promise and after we do maybe opal can get baby brother or sister"

"ok babe just go shower you smell like the hospital"

wow who knew my boyfriend could be so mean

*15 minutes later*

As im walking out of the bathroom I see Jonah walking into his room with Opal in his hands

"Shes pretty cute huh?"

I said walking into Jonahs room

"Yeah she adorable,can I have her?"

"In your dreams but whenever I need a babysitter ill let you watch her"

"ahah ok sounds good"

when he laughed she started to move around in his arms, he walked over to me and gave Opal over to me

"do you think I could have her sleep with me tonight"

"well I mean you might have to ask Zach but its a no from me, I want to sleep with my baby girl tonight"


after that me and Opal went back to our room and went to sleep.

*next day*

I woke up so many times last night, Opal would cry I would feed her change her diper. But the weird thing is Zach never came home last night.

I know hes young and still has a job to maintain but he could have atlest called or text me and told me that he was going to be out late

Opal is still asleep when I woke up, so I went down stairs only to see Zach and some random girl sleeping together on the couch.

I was going to start walking back to my room to get mine and Opal's things

But as I was walking out I heard her start talking

"You dont have a girl friend do you" she asked Zach

"Of course not babygirl why"

"Just wondering,anyways is anyone home"

"No all my bandmates are out why"

''So I can do this"

she started to kiss his neck,he moaned

then she started to move down on him

''Are you ready'' ''Yes baby girl'' he said to her

she pulled his pants down and started to give him a blowjob

"mmh yes m-more please b-baby girl'' he said

I couldn't stand there and listen anymore I was running up stairs

once I got to mine and Opal's room I got my suit cases and started to pack all our stuff

I changed Opal's diper and gave her a bottle before I walked out to the car through the back door so Zach and his little girl toy could have as much sex as they wanted to

I wrote a note and put it in jonahs room

as I put Opal in her car seat I hear the girl call out zachs name

"Maybe your dad wanted this to happen Baby girl''

I looked at Opal and started crying but she was looking at me smiling her cute baby smile

I looked back at the house one last time, I never wanted to go back into that house ever again


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sorry for really slow updates

this book only has 2 more chapters left so get ready there might be a sequal idk yet so yeah byyyyye

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