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 One of you guys wanted an update desperately so I published earlier than my usual schedule. Enjoy love~

 I woke the next day thinking about what happened last night with Hyunwoo. I sat up from my bed hugging my knees, I touch my lips and remembered the warm kiss he gave me. It was short but I enjoyed every touch, I may be gay but I never kissed an actual boy ever. So Hyunwoo was the first.

After I finish showering I heard the front door opening, I knew it was Hyunwoo. I quickly put on my clothes and slowly slide my door open, I look out to see him but he wasn't there so I just step out of my room.

"Um Kihyun. . ." His voice startled me making me fall. Hyunwoo was also startled to see me laying on the hard wooden floor "Oh Kihyun let me help you" He grabs my hand and I could feel the electric flow again like last night.

Once I stood up and got my balance right, I tidied my outfit and cleared my throat "H-Hyung I didn't hear you coming in. Next time text me before you come in, this is the second time that this happen I don't want to end up firing you. Got that?" I say coldly to him.

He just nods and say "yes Kihyun"

"And you can forget you can call me by my first name, use Mr.Yoo" I walk pass him towards the kitchen. From a distance I heard him whispering to himself "was last night too awkward? I thought he didn't remember" I turn around and look at him "Did you say something about last night Hyunwoo? You mean the kiss you gave me?"

He was startled by my words but he pretended to not know about it "Ah last night, well I was drunk you see and I didn't realize what I was doing" He explains.

But I knew he was lying "Oh really? Then how do you remember you kissed me huh?" I notice he gulps down and sweat forms on his forehead "Uh well--" Right then my phone rang in my hand. It was my alarm, it was indicating me about a meeting that was going to start in half an hour. Shit, I'm going to be late.

I turn to Hyunwoo even he looked concern "Sir, you should get your breakfast right away before we leave"

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my coat "No time I'm going to be late" I ran towards the door and without realizing I was holding Hyunwoo's hand as we make our way to the car.


It took about 12 minutes to get to the office so Hyunwoo had to drive as fast as he could before my meeting, the only problem is that I was suffering from motion sickness due to car ride and the fact I didn't had my breakfast just made it worse.

Once we made it to the building I ran out of the car towards the elevator, in the end I managed to reach the meeting room with 3 minutes to spare. I didn't care whether I look good or not I'm doing this meeting for eomma.


 I waited outside the meeting room for Kihyun, finally the door open and people started to walk out. I greeted them with a smile I noticed some of the female workers were giving me sweet smiles, I guess they find me attractive.

Then a very attractive looking man walked up to me and greeted me "hello there, I'm Hyungwon, not trying to interrupt but I was wondering if you happen to be a model here at Yoo Designs"

"Oh no I'm working for Mr.Yoo Kihyun" Hyungwon seems to be surprised maybe because I'm working for his CEO but I was surprised with his looks, he has a thin body but his face was attracting me more.

Yoo Kihyun" Hyungwon seems to be surprised maybe because I'm working for his CEO but I was surprised with his looks, he has a thin body but his face was attracting me more

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From his cherry blossom hair to his plump lips finally his jawline everything about him seems to be perfect, I was a bit jealous. Finally he snapped me out of his thoughts "wow so you're Kihyun's body guard I heard about him getting one but I didn't expect that his bodyguard would be this handsome you should really become a model you have the body of a model" His compliment made me blush a bit.

"I appreciate your compliment but really I only came here to watch over Mr.Yoo" He seems a little disappointed by my answer but he just return a smile "Oh too bad we really need someone like you" Right then I heard another voice.

"Yah Hyungwon!" It was Kihyun, he looked furious as he make his way towards us. Hyungwon bows at him "Oh Mr.Yoo how was the meeting?"

Kihyun just scoffs and stands close to me "It went like nothing I'm just wondering why you're here" I can see in his eyes he was not too happy to see Hyungwon "well I just came here to ask your body guard here if he was a model or not, but then I hear he was working for you." Then he looks at his phone.

"Oh its Hoseok, well I have to go I'll see you two in a bit" He bows again before leaving us.

I look at Kihyun as we make our way to the elevator "Hoseok? Isn't that the guy you have a crush on? That we met on our way to the office" He freezes and turns to me "what? Uh well how did you guess. ."

I cross my arms and continue to walk "well it's kinda obvious you were blushing when you guys were chatting, I can see that your interested in him" 

We stop in front of the elevator and I ask him again "Do you like him Kihyun?" he didn't answer but his cheeks were blushing red which made it was clear to me he does. We just stayed silent and finally the elevator door opens.

The whole time we were in the elevator, Kihyun keeps leaning on me luckily we were alone if we weren't we'd be in real trouble. I look at him, his lips were pail so were his eyes, everything about his face was pail like a ghost. He leans on me again but this time it looked like he was about to pass out, I didn't have a choice but to hold him.

I put my arm around his shoulder, it somehow didn't felt awkward with me and Kihyun. It felt really pleasant then I heard his voice calling me "Hyung. ." his voice was small and soft it was soothing to my ears.

"Yes, Sir?" 

"Hyung I think I'm going to die. . ." His words confused me at the same time I laughed at his cuteness "yah Kihyun your not going to die I think you're just hungry from the lack of nutrition. Maybe after this I'll buy you lunch since you didn't eaten anything yet right?" He nods cutely and I continue to adore him.


 I ate each delicious bite as if its my last, finally my belly is full and I stop eating. I lean on the chair and look at my empty plate then my eyes darted towards Hyunwoo, I notice the corners of his mouth were pointing up. Was he smiling the entire time I was eating?

"W-what's wrong hyung? Is there something on my face?" He laughs and picks up a napkin, with it he wipes my lips. It actually surprised me, with him this close to me it made all of the blood rush up to my cheeks.

"There, you did have a little sauce on your lips. But I was smiling at you because of how cute you are" Again the blood rush to my cheeks "Ah thanks Hyung."

The atmosphere became quiet again until I hear someone's voice "Kihyunnie!" Oh shit it can't be. . 

He sits down in between us and looks at me "M-Minhyuk what are you doing here?" I glance at Hyunwoo who looked a bit awkward. Minhyuk hits me on the shoulder "Yah Kiki why can't you let your best friend see you? We barely got the chance to ever since you became the CEO"

"I'm not the CEO. . .yet and I'm just busy, we can hang out this weekend" He sighs and glances at Hyunwoo before looking at me "so I'm assuming your having fun with your new friend then I see. . ." I could tell he was really jealous of Hyunwoo luckily hyung could sense it too.

He smiles at Minhyuk and extended his hand to him "hello I'm Son Hyunwoo, Mr.Yoo Kihyun's bodyguard nice to meet you" Minhyuk turns to him with surprised look. Hyunwoo smiles at him and they both shook hands "Oh y-your Kihyun's bodyguard? Wah I expected someone tall and bulky. . .but your tall, bulky and really good looking"

Hyunwoo blushes and smiles at Minhyuk's compliment "oh thank you Sir" He slaps Hyunwoo's broad shoulder startling him "oh come on hyung, call me Minhyuk"

"Oh, sure then. .Minhyuk" I smile from afar as the two continue to chat with each other. As I was dealing with some task from my phone I saw a message coming from Hyunwoo's phone, it was from a girl.

Minjoo: Oppa let's have dinner this weekend to celebrate our anniversary.

At that moment my heart broke.

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