A Birthday we will never forget

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At precisely 10 O-clock we heard Papa enter the house with presents in hand. We ran down the stairs silenced by our excitement and chasing the gifts as though they were the most precious items on the planet. He handed them too us smiling at the look on our faces. We both ripped the paper of our presents revealing two identical velvet boxes embroidered with delicate designs. We both knew they were from Mama! 

We opened the boxes to find two identical and Beautiful lockets. They both had something different on the backs and on one side within was a sketch of a rose and the other side held a small plait of Mama's hair.

"There's another surprise too girls. Meet your new Mother and sisters! Isn't that amazing?" He said as they walked inside. We were unsure. All our friends had cruel Step-mothers as in Local legend.  The woman well our new mother was about 30 and oddly beautiful. She had pointed features. Her hair and eyes were light brown and she was extremely mysterious. There was a girl on either side. On the left was a smaller girl about our age or slightly younger. Her hair was long a light brownish blonde and her eyes were deep brown. She squinted slightly and wore an old dress that hardly fit. The girl on he left was taller and strong. She had no squint but her eyes were a lighter brownish-green and her hair was a darker brown. Her dress was similar to her sisters but fit better and was better quality as though it used to be their mothers.

"Hello darling children. I am Erline but you two dears will call me mother." The woman, well, Mother said. Her words were kind but her voice was forceful and bossy. "These are my little Angels. This is Ethilinda." She gestured towards the girl on her left, "And this is Everilda." She finished gesturing to the girl on her right. "I'm sure you'll be great friends."

"I am Lucia which means Light!" I said smiling lightly.

"And I am Cecily. I don't know what it means." I said looking towards Cia.

"It means Blind or sixth since she was the 6th girl born into the current French royal family." I said unable to help it.

"Welcome to the family!" We said in unison although it was fairly half-hearted.  Mother went to the bedroom with Father carrying her luggage. Unbeknownst to u was the fact that when she looked in the mirror it was her true self that looked back. The 4 of us children walked down the hall towards the bedroom we would now share.

"So your name is Lucia? Correct?" Ethilinda asked.

"Yes but call me Cia please." I informed smiling.

"Call me Linda. Ethilinda is a mouthful." Linda told us smiling back. 

"And you're Cecily." Everilda said looking the girl up and down.

"Yes but you can call me CC." I told her meeting her eyes.

"Eve has a nice ring to it." Eve said chuckling.

"How can it have a nice ring to it? Do you mean it sounds nice? Because a 'nice ring' just sounds weird", I spoke confidently. They were so nice that I felt confident, when I usually wasn't. I was only like this to the people I was close to. This was great! 

"Welcome to the children's bedroom" we said together before bringing them inside.The room held two fair sized beds with identical knitted blankets with roses sewn on. Mother had sewn the roses. There were some small toy carts carved out of wood and a small cluster of shoes lined up against the wall. There was a window with a few cushions on the ledge on one side of the room was a lovely engraved mirror. The view outside the window was better than you could ever imagine, with a river, many trees and all sorts of different flowers. Their colors shined against the golden sun.

"You two can have one of the beds and we can share the other" I told them kindly. CC nodded by my side.

"Thanks Lucy" Linda said. Eve nodded in agreement as she stroked the blanket on the closest bed.

 "Can we have this bed?" Eve asked gesturing to the bed near the door.

"Of course you can" I stated with a smile.

"Hey do you want to know what your names mean?" I asked them. 

" Can you tell me what my name means first?" Eve asked.

"Well Eve your full name means Boar fight!" I said giggling lightly.

"Hah my turn Cia. What does my name mean?" Linda questioned.

" Well Linda, your full name means loyal snake. What a strange combination." I informed them.

" well at least I'm not the only one who's name means something strange." I told everyone causing them to laugh. Why is it always me who does that? The sensation was incredible. 

Although we weren't relatives by blood, we felt closer than ever. We had known each other for a few minutes, when it felt like a lifetime. Those two are funny, great to be with and kindness is visible through their warming and friendly eyes. 'Mother's' eyes, on the other hand, were cold, her ruby-red lips mysterious when smiling, as if she had an evil plan, or was hiding something. Her eyes never moved, making her scary in a strange way.

 She looked beautiful, so there was no reason to be afraid, but somehow, we all shivered slightly when she entered the room, as if she was a wind blowing towards our direction, making us all shiver. She usually wore a dark purple dress, (almost black) of fine material, although we usually imagined her as an octopus with such a dress. She wasn't mean to any of us. In fact, she usually didn't notice us. The only person she kept glancing at was father, who felt really happy with his new wife. I wished to know how father knows this lady, 'mother' whatever her name is. But how could he trust her? Actually, who is she? Where is she from? What was weird about her was that she wore great quality, fancy costumes, while her children wore old cast offs, they looked like anything BUT clothes. They were so old that they were partly torn and none of them bothered to buy new clothes. Their shoes were broken. The bottom of their shoes were partly apart from the shoes, so they always made creaking noise when they were walking on the wooden floor. Another thing was that she looked scary, beautiful in a frightening way. She didn't harm anyone though. 

Authors Note: So what do you think? Please comment and vote. Give any improvements please. This character introduces Eve and Linda. Linda is the character POV Diam will be writing Later. 

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