This changes everything...

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The next morning I woke up too the sun shining through the windows and the warmth of the fire. I'd slept later than I would've liked. I got dressed in a simple grey wool dress and braided my hair before heading downstairs. When I reached the bottom I crashed into a maid who was heading up the stairs.

 "Sorry! I didn't see you." I said catching the tray she was carrying before it could fall. 

"I am the one who is to blame. I was just heading up to wake you." The maid stated looking me up and down and mumbling about how the queen would not be impressed. 

"Why should I care about what the queen thinks?" I said rolling my eyes and drinking from the Hot tea on my breakfast tray. 

"She is your mother is she not." She said turning to lead me to the dining room.

 "Step Mother or Aunt!" I said dismissing her before eating the meal. I was interrupted as I left by a man I recognized from the stables. He introduced himself as Warner (meaning Army). He brought me to the stable and Began to teach me how to ride a horse. 

I hated my dress so at lunch I snuck into one of the servant boys outfits (I asked first...obviously) and then went back to riding my new horse Annabel which means adorable. Warner didn't care he just thought my choice of outfit was charming and "an interesting and very daring choice princess" which resulted in me mumbling "not a princess" and galloping away.

 I rode for about 6 or 7 hours in total before I ran as fast as I could so that I could change into the dress I wore this morning. I kept the other outfit though and promised the boy I would buy him a new outfit. He was glad.

After supper it finally sunk in. CC was gone.I wouldn't see her for 3 weeks, we had never been apart at all never mind 3 weeks. Which btw is much too long, especially during one of the most stressful times of my life! 

Dear Diary,

 It's been a few days since Cecily left and I just feel incomplete. She's my sister.. my twin. We're supposed to always be together. I mean I know this is really important to her but I'm scared and lonely. I've learned how to ride but Aunt Agnes still hasn't seen me in my riding 'outfit'. The coronation is tomorrow and I am FREAKING OUT! I'm scarred and just plain nervous that the civilians aren't going to respect me or even like me as a princess. What if they revolt? What if they try and kill me? I better get some sleep, well after I find a dagger and a way to hide my riding 'outfit' under my dress. Goodnight. 

Meanwhile in France

I was woken by the young maid I think her name was Ava. I don't know I didn't actually get to see her on the boat. I was woken up by Ermina every morning on the boat. She's 7 and the walls on the bus are really thin. Anyway I changed into the dark blue dress that was set out for me and allowed Ava to do my hair and makeup.

 I ate the breakfast from the tray she brought up before admiring my room. The room was even bigger than my room in the castle in England. The bed was absolutely gigantic with lace draped over the the sides. There were about 20 pillows on the bed along with 5 blankets. Everything was an emerald green color and the bed was adorned with actual emeralds in the shape of roses. 

There was a large dark wooden desk in the corner next to a bookshelf with a lot of religious books not even just the bible. There were scientific journals and a perfect chair for reading them by a large open white brick fire place. The chair faced the fire and stood on a fluffy black mat. There was a candle chandelier and also a small candle in a candle holder as a reading light.There was a window seat with the perfect view of the forests and gardens that spread around the castle.

 There was a large Painting of Mama and Aunt Evelyn standing together when Mama was my age. Then there was a family portrait of the two of them with my deceased grandparents. To make it all better (or worst) this used to be Mama's room wen she was a child. I walked down the like 5 sets of the stairs that lead to my room just so that I could try to find Aunt Evelyn to help me find the library. I need to keep my promise to Cia and find whoever it was who killed my Mom and Grandparents. I need to stop him from killing anyone else!

 I went and started researching on known French assassins and hitmen. Yes someone made a journal with there names and pictures of them drawn by people who saw them. You get the idea.

Meanwhile back in England

The next day I was woken up at dawn by one of the older servants holding a beautiful light violet dress that ends in the middle between my ankle and knee. I put it on over the outfit that I got from the young boy. Luckily it was a bit big so it hid the other outfit beautifully and the dress also hid the dagger I got from the armoury last night. I had a small quick breakfast before heading outside to the carriage to head to the church. 

We arrived in the carriage to lines and lines of civilians waving and smiling at us some of them were even cheering. We walked inside and the ceremony seemed to be going pretty well until I heard a bang from the entrance of the church. 

"She can't be a princess! She's a peasant!" I looked and saw the 6 sons of the lord at the entrance. It was the tallest of them who had spoken. The one that gave me the scar on my lip. He was holding the same dagger he used to give me the scar. Actually they were all holding daggers and swords. They had a few friends with them who were holding weapons as well. 

"Yeah she's just a useless peasant! Momma you can't let her be crowned princess. I'm heir to the throne not...THAT!" Millicent screamed as the knights ran up to join her. They started to try attack us but I pulled of my dress revealing the servants clothes and grabbed my dagger and was just like "It's on.". I quickly disarmed one of the other knights throwing the sword to Linda and we started fighting everyone ran outside including Papa and Aunt Agnes. 

We fought for hours and Eve got one of her arms cut off ( Yeah I know) So Mohammad the jester from the day I found the journal used my dress to to stop the bleeding. I grabbed on of the bell ropes and cut some of it off. 

We managed to tie everyone up (including Millicent) and we went and got Papa from his spot being a sacredly cat. 

"I sentence you all to death for treason!" He shouted at them as guards came in grabbing them all and started leading them ALL out towards the castle to the dungeon as I watched. 

"STOP!" I screamed causing the guards to freeze in shock. "We can think of something else. Please!" I turned to my father. "No one has to die!" Father just ended up sentencing them to life in prison except Millicent who lost her place in line for the throne. All was well. 

Meanwhile in the French library

I was looking through the final pages of the book and I froze.This changes everything... 

Authors Note: Hope you guys all enjoyed my book. You might have to wait a while for the sequal but I swear it will be worth it. (Please don't hate me).

For now this is Meg1302 signing off.

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