Introductions and Prologue

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Italic= Lucia's POV: 

I had just spent the night with Elizabeth one of my best friends.

"Are you sure CC won't be mad at you?" She asked. "You know what she can be like, she was probably worried all night!" She was becoming worried now.

"It will be fine Eli." I told her smiling lightly. She handed me a diary.

"Your birthday present. Yours and CC's." She explained.

"It must have cost a Fortune." I exclaimed hugging her lightly. "Thank you."

"Papa traded a satin dress for it." She explained. " Now get back to your House! Hurry." She said pushing me lightly.

"Goodbye." I said before beginning to walk home rain from last nights storm pattering down around me. I danced through it laughing lightly as I followed the old path home before I felt the diary leaving my hands. I looked up to see the lords 6 sons standing around me. They were all idiots and training to be knights although right now they were all just page-boys.

"A book? What's a peasant like you doing with a book?" Son number one said. I could not tell them apart.

"you know I just learned to use this nice sharp dagger. Lets see what it can do to your ugly little face!" Son number two exclaimed glaring at me. " Grab her!" He exclaimed to two of his brothers. I swung up and kicked son number 3 in his 'most valuable' area before son number 4 grabbed me and held me in place. 

Son number 2 leaned over dagger in hand as the others laughed from there places. Son number 2 leaned in and the sharp dagger cut through the skin by my lip. I jumped up using my holder for support and kicked son number 2 in the face before stepping on my captors toe. Sons 5 and 6 ran over and grabbed both my arms as son 1 went to box me in the stomach when I heard footsteps approaching and  saw the lord of this land and the father of these 6 fools.

"Release her at once!" He ordered as the sons quickly released me and turned so they were all looking at him. "I'm sorry. My sons still need to learn manners." He said grabbing my diary back and handing it to me.

"Thank you milord." I stated as I ran the rest of the way finally reaching the small two story cottage I called home. I waved to a fuming CC as I entered before racing upstairs. 

Dear Diary,

My name is Lucia Godfrey but never ever in a million years call me that. Call me  Cia, Lucy, Lue anything just not Lucia. I loath that name. Anyways todays date is the 19th of February 700A.D. and it is also my 13th Birthday. 

My father is next in line for the throne even though he was disowned by his (younger) brother the idiot King!  My Mother died when I was 5 and I have missed her dearly. She was murdered and if I ever found out who did it I would throw them to the guards! 

I go to the local school Saint Berengiers  named after king know it not!  The school is amazing in most ways except 1 thing..

It judges you based on your social status meaning Princess Perfect is on the top of the food chain!  Anyways I have to go it's C.C's turn.

Underlined=Cecily's POV

Dear Diary,

My name is Cecily Godfrey. Did you know Godfrey means God blessed? Don't worry I didn't either.  I only realized yesterday when Cia pointed it out. Anyways I don't care what you call me my family however call me CC (pronounced Cici). I'm Cia's twin sister younger by 15 minutes.  Some people say I'm annoying but I'm  not always! 

"Oh my Goodness!" That's my cousin Princess Millicent. She likes to be called Milly but Cia and I call her Illy. She hates that. Because of her my time at school is less than amazing I was definitely not happy enough to enjoy it. Most people hate school but if you think about it  they are lucky and should enjoy school.

Authors Note: So Hi I'm Meg 1302 and I'm writing this book with DiamErald 27 and my other friend who would prefer to stay unnamed. I write the part of Lucia. Diam is going to write the part of a character to be introduced soon and my other friend is writing CC's part. We write the rest together. So yeah comment and vote Thanks. 😊!

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