Berengiers Funeral

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We were all summoned downstairs an hour after sunrise to embark via carriage to the destination of the now "sadly" deceased king Berengier. The journey took half an hour and we were left to entertain ourselves during the journey.

I was reading about the royal seating arrangements in a book titled 'royal etiquette a princesses guide' which I was reading to find a better seat at the table so none of us were separated. I was also trying to think of a way to get out of having to make that idiotic speech.

I kept trying to sleep except of course Aunt Agnes kept talking to me causing me stay awake. I spent the majority of the time hardly listening and trying to create an image of Mama's murderer in my minds eye.

Eve and I were comparing bedrooms and discussing our dreams from the night before. A large amount of my dreams circulated around times with mother from our childhood. Most of them included our birth Father as well of course. Nearly all of my dreams were nightmares now that I think about it. Anyways it was a terrible nights sleep but talking about the nightmares helped and Eve had similar types of dreams as well.

When at last we arrived at the area that the funeral would be held. We walk as group towards a raised wooden platform that Berengier's open coffin stood for everyone to see. Trust me everyone was there too. Everyone from the kingdom stood in lines in front of the platform and every single one of the was wearing all black even the baby's, children and those who only owned 2 outfits and a one room cottage. It was a sea of darkness and sorrow and there was no sound just silence. We climbed onto the platform us younger ones stood to the left of the coffin with Illy standing closest and us standing in reverse age order beside her Aunt Agnes and Papa stood side by side on the right with sorrowful faces. A priest came up and began speeches and Bible readings for around two hours until they called the speech of the child heir. (My One)😢

I took a step forward and cleared my throat before facing the crowd and spoke...

" I didn't know my... dear uncle Berengier all too well but he seemed like a great and honorable leader and father to my... loving cousin Millicent. Over all I did not know him all too well which is why I am going to request that Millicent be the one that makes the official speech instead of me. Thank you for your support and for supporting me and my family through this sad time." I then began to cry because we'll he was my uncle and than I carefully stepped back into line.

Millicent droned on with a speech about the presents her father presented her each year for Christmas and her birthday each year and how positively amazing he was too her as a father basically because of the presents and money he gave her weekly. Than it was time to bury Berengier in the family plot. Each of us shoveled some dirt onto the coffin and than one of the head Knights finished while every other person who attended the funeral watched in silence.

Aunt Agnes, Papa, Millicent and us walked back to the carriage for the half hour journey back to the palace. On the way back all Illy would do was complain about how she was hungry and kept asking why they didn't have lunch. Though obviously it was out of respect towards Berengier as he could no longer eat. We arrived back at the palace as the sun began to set as we walked inside. We entered the dining room and the servants began to guide us towards our places before Cia (I) took a step forward and Began to speak. 

"Actually I was reading something earlier a very interesting book and I read that the king sits at one end the queen on the other and all of the heir Sat in the center except on of the parents choosing who takes the seat next to the king." I released all in one breathe. "So it's your decision Papa, Aunt Agnes." All of the children including me remained standing in the doorway. Me and CC shared a look as we tried not to laugh I looked over at Eve and Linda who held the same look on there face before finally looking over at Illy who just looked shocked as she stared at us and than at Aunt Agnes and Papa. It was silent for a few moments until Papa looked at us.

"I think it should be Millicent that should take the seat by my side. It would also give me an opportunity to get to now my niece and now my newest daughter. Don't you agree Agnes?" Papa asked before looking towards Aunt Agnes. 

"Of c-course my dear I completely a-agree." Agnes managed to stutter out looking shocked and astonished.

We all went to our new seats and enjoyed a lovely 3 courses of delicious food with a drink of apple juice well multiple goblets full. By the time dessert was over no one not even Millicent was complaining the only thing was we were tired!

As the four of us left left the dining room Millicent came running towards us grabbing Eve's arm."Is it true what you said earlier. About the seating arrangements?" Millicent asked us. 

"More or less yes it was true." I told her. "Why do you ask?"

"Just... thanks." She said before hurrying off. 

"That was weird ." We all said together before hurrying off.

Authors Note: Hey guys sorry it took so long but I hope you like it. This chapter was dedicated to DiamErald for being the first to comment so yeah bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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