The Journal

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I Explored for about half an hour before I finally arrived at the library. The room was huge and honestly the most amazing room I have ever seen. Anyway as I explored the shelves searching for a good book I found a large leather Journal. My curiosity took over and I began to read.

Dear journal,

My name is Geoffrey Godfrey and I am the prince and heir to the throne of my parents kingdom.Today is my 12th birthday and my parents gave me this journal. They say I should also share this Journal with my younger brother Berengier who is 10. My life is pretty normal. I am training to be a knight although right now I am a simple Page but mama says if I carry on like this I will be an amazing knight in no time. I had better go prepare for my birthday ball tonight. 

"So papa had a journal just like Me and CC do." I thought aloud before continuing to read it. Most of it was boring until when he was 16 and it was just after uncles wedding. Apparently Aunt Agnes and Mama were friends. Anyway the entry read:

Dear Journal,

I just saw the most beautiful Girl. Apparently  she is the princess of Agnes' fathers land for he is a lord. The woman's name is Rohesia. And she is the heir of the French throne the only other heir is her younger sister Evelyn. Anyway Rohesia is the most beautiful and she seems very kind. She has tanned skin and glossy brown hair that was styled like a waterfall braided at the top and wavy near the bottom. She was extraordinary. 

"So Aunt Agnes and Mama were friends thats very strange. Mama's name means approximately something like kind sort although Rohesia is a beautiful name." I said giggling " I should just keep reading" I skipped ahead some more before until just after my grandparents died. It read:

Dear journal 

My parents just died and it was not an illness as the population was told but poison. Now my brother has tricked the kingdom into believing that he was the real heir to the throne and he disowned me and kicked Rosie and I out of the castle. Now my brother has tricked the kingdom into believing that he was the real heir to the throne and he disowned me and kicked Rosie and I out of the castle. I am going to leave my journal here in hopes that maybe one day my Niece or Nephew will find it. Goodbye my castle home.

"I need to show CC this. We need to solve this mystery. Maybe whoever killed my grandparents killed Mama as well." I thought to myself before rushing back to my room. On the way I had a small run in with a Jester name Mohammed but after that I just went back to my bed and slept. I would tell CC tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up before sunrise and ran into CC's room before shaking her awake lightly. "I found something that used to belong to papa" I told her.

What is it *yawn" I asked.

"It's a journal from when papa used to live here. It has things like how he met mama and Mama's real name it was Rohesia and than there's something really strange that he wrote about our grandparents death..." I explained before CC cut me off.

"What everyone knows they died of the black death what's weird about that?" I asked confused.

"It wasn't the black death it was poison and Papa thought uncle Berengier was behind it. What if he caused Mama's death to remember she was poisoned too. He must've organized or payed someone to do it for him." I explained.

"So, we still have no idea if that's what happened or who he payed to do it!" I exclaimed exasperated.

"Actually papa would never lie or assume so it had to have been Berengier. Anyway my point is what he set up someone else's murder before he died. We need to find out who he payed and stop them."


"I remember one thing about Mama's murderer. He was French." 

"I could do some research when I go there for my coronation!" 

"Perfect, oh we need to get ready. Berengier's funeral is today remember." I realized "see you then."

"See you later."

Dear diary,

 So much has happened, first of we moved into the castle and had the must awkward meal in my life. Then Aunt Agnes tells me I have to give a speech at the funeral of a man I hardly knew. Then I met a Jester that just acted weird and finally I found this Journal that reveals that Berengier actually caused the death of our grandparents, possibly our Mothers death too and maybe even someone else's. I had better get ready for Berengier's funeral.

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