The Wedding and goodbye CC

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We were all woken up at the very start of sunrise on the morning of the Wedding. 

I was woken up by a young girl early on the day of the Wedding. There was a dress and everything else I would need at the end of my bed but all I was focused on was the girl who woke me up. She looked a little bit like CC or Mama. She seemed to notice my confusion because she said,

"I'm your cousin Edeline My mother, your aunt is close friends with queen Agnes and we were invited to the wedding. Uncle Geoffrey sent me up here to wake you" She told me smiling.

I yawned before sitting up and smiling. "Did you know that your name means noble?" I asked her it was basically second nature by now. 

She left and I got ready as quickly as I could. I remembered at that moment that France was a week long journey. She must have been on that boat for a while. cc was about to take that journey. I dressed in a slightly disgusting violently magenta dress. It had a matching corset which made me unable too breathe. It had a rose coloured traveling cloak with it. There was 3 layers of skirts underneath and it was floor length. I looked in my mirror to see if it looked good. I didn't and I had no doubt Millicent was asked too pick them out. It was the bridesmaid dress. 

I styled my hair in a braid made of smaller brads. I had a flower crown on my head and my locket around my neck. I had a single purple ribbon tied around the bottom of my braid as it hung down my back as I pushed it from my shoulder. A young servant entered my room too see my face.

"You look beautiful your majesty." She stated.

"Thank you" I replied. It was too early to be formal.

"Princess Millicent decided on it." She told me. "I am Ava." She said smiling.

 "I am Lucia but call me Cia please." I told her. 

"Thank you. I work for your aunts family." She told me beckoning me over and getting me too sit down. "I'm 11." She said as she started too apply some very light makeup.

"Really? And your already a high servant." I asked noticing her specific uniform. She just nodded. "Did you know your name means Bird or living one?" I asked as she finished.

"Really?" She asked as she gathered up her supplies. I nodded as she bid farewell and left while I waited for I don't know who. I reread the part of the diary about Aunt Agnes's first marriage. She was so happy. What happened? I smiled too myself as I was led downstairs where the rest of the children were waiting. I was about too start talking too Eve but I was still being led away. I was led too a room were 4 people were standing. I recognized the young girl as Edeline as she smiled at me. The woman I knew too be Aunt Evelyn but the two others a girl a little younger than Edeline and a man I did not know. 

"My name is Ermina." She told me. So another variation on noble."So both you and your sisters names mean noble?" I asked turning too look at my aunt. She nodded."I am your uncle Adkins." He said shaking my hand."your name means red earth." I told him as he let go. Aunt Evelyn laughed at him causing him to glare. I didn't like him. I turned too Aunt Evelyn. "Your name means Beauty and radiance." I told her smiling and giggling at uncle Adkins I bid a quick goodbye too escape any trouble and ran out into the main hall where I met up with CC and we walked out to the carriage where Aunt Agnes and Millicent were waiting. The others would arrive separately.

We arrived at a large church a few towns away where huge crowds were already waiting and bowing as they saw the carriage. Millicent dismounted first hurrying up the steps and curtseying to the large crowd before waiting for us. C.C and I held hands as we exited the vehicle repeating what we saw Millicent do. We stood by her side as we watched the footmen help Aunt Agnes out of the vehicle and up the steps. They released her hand 5 steps away and got down on one knee. Agnes turned around And curtseyed before the three of us children and the large crowed all followed the footmen's example before clapping. I stood up and held out my hand too Agnes who took it and the two of us walked inside giving only one more quick wave. 

When we all entered and everyone was seated inside Ermina was sent down the isle as the flower girl. Then Eve and Linda in there dresses all identical too ours. They were followed by Edeline and Millicent who walked infront Of Agnes who walked out 5 steps after them. Finally it was us. We walked down the isle holding our bouquets of orchids. We sat down and the ceremony began. It was beutiful but then came them moment we had been dreading. Saying goodbye!

"Good luck in France Cecily!" Eve said coming over too hug Me

"Good Luck from me as well." Linda said hugging us both. "I will see you in 3 weeks." Then it was the hardest one. 

"I'll miss you!" We said together embracing tightly. The others backed away slightly as we began too cry. "Good luck with the coronation." We said in unison once more.

I guided C.C over too the side of the room. "Try find Mama's killer when you are there." I told her whipping away her tears before saying the hardest thing I have ever had too say, "Goodbye sister. I love you.".

"I love you too sister. Farewell!" I said embracing her once more before our Aunt came over and led me too a separate carriage where Papa was waiting. He told me too behave and said he would miss me before hugging me goodbye. I entered the carriage and waved goodbye too the country I loved. This would be the longest 3 weeks of my life!

Authors Note: So yeah one chapter to go then the book is OVER. And I'll start working on the sequel. I'm basically writing this solo right now but anyway. Thanks!

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