Prolouge: Worlds

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Other worlds. Not a lot people ask about what are other worlds or why do they exists. But I say that they exist. In another world which is another Earth. But there is another world called Remnant where creatures and monsters exist but people fight back, they are called Huntsmen. But on earth there is a powerful group that trying to take over this world.

Unknown location (forest), time: 7:55

A young man at the age of 16 is right now trudging through a forest running from 4 people. This young man is named Adam Kelly. (Author: Yes I know it's my name but have you read my about, I'm a little narcissistic and I admit that I would put my name in my stories.) (edit: The boy was wearing a brown jacket, a green shirt, long blue pants and combat shoes.)

Adam: Dammit! Man I told John this was a bad idea!


Adam: Looks like it's fight situation.

Adam stops and pulls a out a what looks to be a giant double blades axe.

Adam stops and pulls a out a what looks to be a giant double blades axe

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Man with a sickle hand: Looks like you are going out Adam Kelly.

Man with a sickle hand: Looks like you are going out Adam Kelly

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(Author: Yup that's my own drawing)

Adam: could you stop using my last name like that it's really annoying.

Man with sickle hand: No, besides it give you torture and I love torture! Now, get him.

Three other men jump out from behind him.

Three other men jump out from behind him

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(Author: This is also mine to)

Adam: Alright lets get my party started!

One of the men jump at Adam but he blocks it ease. He pushes him back and slashes at him. The attacker dodges it but he turns it to the end with points it at him and charges like a bayonet. The man has his arm impaled with end of the axe.

Attacker 1: Ah shit! You little brat!

Attacker 2: I got him!

The second attack jumps up either blade in hand but Adam moves out the way and the attacker misses.

Adam: Try better than that! Now it's time to get super serious!

Adam presses a button on his axe and it transforms into a shotgun. The two blades reform into the gun and and one of them stick to the side. The spike in the bottom retracts into the gun.

Adam: Now *cocks gun* lets do this!

Adam pulls the trigger and shooting a third attacker, killing him with the shotgun blast.

Attacker 3: Gahhh!

Attacker 1: You son of a bitch!

Man with sickle: Ugh, I thought you guys were the best.

Attacker 2: Well sorry that we can't beat a little kid!

Adam: I'm a teenager!

Man with sickle hand: Ah, get him you idiots! Ah I'll help!

Adam: Wait what?


Adam: Gahhh!

Attacker 2: Uh boss!

Man with sickle hand: What are you waiting for, kill him!

Attacker 1 and 2: Yes sir!

Meanwhile ??? POV

As I'm traveling through this very thick forest I hear some fighting from the distance. As I look around from where the fight is taking place I eventually fin four people. I see four people, a guy that looks like my age, two other guys that are wearing the same outfit and another with a sickle for a hand and he's not wearing a shirt. The man without the shirt shoots the guy. Oh no he must be in trouble, I must help him!

3rd Person POV

*clang* *bash*

Adam: Grr! Ah!

Adam is kick back by one of the attackers.

Attacker 1: End of the line kid!

Attacker 2: Yay your going to pay for what you did to our friend!

Man with sickle hand: Ah that was a little disappointing, now let's end this. Wait do you hear something.

Girl in red cloak: Keeeeyaaaaaaaa!

Man with sickle hand: Gahhhh!

Adam: What the-

Adam passes out from blood loss from the bullet wound.

Girl in red cloak: I don't know who you people are but I will take you down!

Man with sickle hand: You bitch, but if we are introducing our selves then I'll go first. I'm Simon Fox, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Girl in red cloak: My name is Ruby Rose and I'm going to take you down with my Crescent Rose!

Simon: Alright, get her!

Both attacks charge at Ruby who transform her gun into a giant scythe. She blocks both attacker weapons and disarms the first one then uses her weapon to shoot him.

Attacker 2: Gahh!

Attacker 1: No- Ahhh!

The first attacker is slashed across the chest with the scythe and is killed by Ruby.

Simon: Shit, defeated by a lowly brat! I'll get you Ruby Rose!

Simon throws down a smoke bomb and disappears without a trace.

Ruby: Now That is taken care of...

Ruby looks at the boy.

Ruby: What should I do with you?

(Like it? Because I do too. I hope you enjoyed this because I really want you guys to. Thank you for reading and I hope you will have a wonderful day!)

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