Chapter 4: Home Sweet (new) Home

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3rd Person POV , Silver city, time 12:03

After Adam and Ruby leave the base Adam shows Ruby around the city since its still day time. Adam decided to go shopping with her because of Ruby's attire. Ruby says there was nothing wrong with it but Adam wanted her to fit in the society.

Shopping mall, cloths store, time 12:10

It took some time and Ruby was amazed by all the clothing there was.

Adam: Well this is going to take a long time.

Ruby: Come on, this will be fun!

Adam and Ruby looked at some clothes for Ruby. Adam looked for some clothing for himself because he needed a new clothing because all his other clothes we getting to small for him. Ruby found some cloths and went to the dressing room.

Mini Timeskip, time 12:15

Adam: Man how long is she going to take?

Ruby: All done!

Adam: Convenient timing is convenient.

Ruby came out wearing some casual cloths.

(Ignore the scythe and she imagine she still has her long hair

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(Ignore the scythe and she imagine she still has her long hair.)

Ruby: How do I look?

Adam: Um uh, beautiful!

Ruby blushed a tiny bit.

Adam: Now lets go pay for this stuff.

After Adam pays for the clothing Adam decided to show Ruby around Silver city.

Ruby: Wow this place is big!

Adam: Yup! It's one of the biggest cities on this planet.

Ruby: I've really never actually seen a city this big. I have seen a lot of things but this takes the cake.

Adam: Crap now you got me thinking about cake.

And conveniently they were next to a bakery.

Ruby: Huh perfect timing, shall we go in?

Adam: Alright.

Adam and Ruby enter the bakery and Ruby is amazed to see all kinds of sweets there are in there.

Ruby: Woooow there are so many sweets here. Wait don't you owe me some cookies for our bet?

Adam: I was wondering when you would bring that up.

Mini Timeskip of Chibi Adam and Ruby Eating sweets. Time 12:20

Ruby: Mmmm those where the best cookie I've ever had!

Adam: Yay, I haven't been to a bakery in awhile.

All of a sudden the hear loud chatting and music down the street.

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