Chapter 10: Some problem

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After the incident, Time: Afternoon

Qrow: So your saying those guys took some vials.

Adam: Correct.

Ozpin: And you are?

Adam: I'm Adam Kelly, pleasure to meet you.

Qrow: Nice to meet you to kid.

The others started to introduce themselves.

Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc.

Adam: Oh my, I forgot I have a friend who has the same name but spelled differently.

Jaune: Ok?

Nora: Nora Valkyrie!

Qrow: Qrow Barwin (I think I did not spell it right. P.S. I know your going to correct it for me Mecha.)

Ren: Lie Ren, but just call me Ren.

Adam: Calling him by last name kind of reminds me Japanese people, but whatever.

Oscar: Oscar Pine.

Ozpin then switches to himself.

Ozpin: And you can call me Ozpin.

Adam: Neat.

Qrow: Now that we got introductions out of the way, explain to me what have you been doing the all this time?

Adam and Ruby start from the beginning from how they met to when they saved Blake to now.

Ren: So that's the whole story?

Adam and Ruby: Yup!

Nora: One question, are you two dating?

Adam and Ruby started blushing like crazy.

Adam: No!

Ruby: We would never!

Adam: Yeah, and besides it would be weird dating someone from another dimension!

Nora: But-

Adam: Nope, I said nope!

Ruby: Can we please talk about something else!?

Qrow: Yeah, like where's your sister?

Jaune: And Weiss?

Ruby: Don't know, still trying to figure out where they are.

Blake: Let's just hope there ok.

Adam: Best of luck they are, if you guys are worried about them then I will be to even though I don't know them.

Ruby: That's Adam for you, he'll worry about someone even if he doesn't know them.

Ozpin: He's strange.

Qrow: But I see that the kid has potential.

Ren: So here's another question, where are we going to stay?

This did not cross Adam's mind.

Adam: Crap, I guess you guys can just crash at my place.

Ruby: What about you're parents?

Adam: I bet they'll be fine with it, besides we have enough space. Also I have prepared if anything dumb is revealed.

Ruby: Dumb, what do you mean by- Ohhhhhh.

Qrow: What do you mean by dumb? Like secrets?

Adam: I guess you could say that.

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