I was waking up to go over my best friend house since it was Saturday when I got a notification... It was a text
8503823451: Hey so I can come over right
India: I think you might have the wrong Number.
8503823451: Oh shittt sorry
India: It's cool what's your name?
8503823451: I don't talk to random people.
India: I'm India now what's your name?
8503823451: 🤔what you look like?
India: why? Like you need to know all of this jus for ya name?
8503823451: Whatever just stop texting me bruh🙄
India: fineeeeee I'll show u
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8503823451: Damn ma you fine😍🤤
India: Thanks now can i get your name?
8503823451: Jahseh.
India: You sound so cuteeee😍
JahJah😍✌🏽🖤: Thanks so where you from?
India: Jacksonville Florida, you?
JahJah😍✌🏽🖤: Florida.
India: Ouuuu Same state ayeee what City?
JahJah😍✌🏽🖤: Idk Indiaa you might kill me😒
India: Maybe.. but why would I do that to such a sweet sweet boy
JahJah😍✌🏽🖤: Miami but listen I gtg.
India: Ok byeeee👋🏼
I got up and called Mia my best friend "hello" she said. "Wassuppp bestie Westie testie" "girllll I swear you stay doing to much with these words lol" " girl shut the fuck up what we finna do today cause I'm bored as shit" "other than work i don't know dont we usually just go around the mall since that's where we work" " I'm tired of just walking around there. Maybe we can go to the movies?" "Yeah sure I'll pick what we watching and um get ready I'm on my way" "aight bye" she hangs up.
Ugh I need to get ready. I hate getting ready for work and it's the fucking weekend.
L A T E R T H AT DAY "JESUS MIA SHUT UPPPPPPP" "AND IT WONT STOPPP BOOM BOOM BOOOOOMMMM" ugh I'm gonna have a headache matter fact I already do. "MIALANA SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPPPP" I screamed "well that's gonna run away customers" she said with an annoyed face " at this moment mimi I don't even care" "well calm the hell down it looks like we got people coming in" I rolled my eyes going into the back where we lounge "heyyy can I help y'all?" I heard Mia say " oh nah we just looking" someone said. I came up to ask Mia for her phone and saw her flirting with one of the guys.. ew I'm blind LMFAO "Mia can u help me ge-" I looked over and saw one of the guys just staring at me " take a picture it'll last longer" I said and he just chuckled
"Wassup India" "Umm how the hell do you know my name?" I was sooo confused I had that confused look on my face until he got out his phone and shown me some messages. I looked up and was weirdly scared.... I ran