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"Heyy Mia and hey neva what you doing here?"
"Oh mimi brought me along since I was at her house when you called, what are you doing at Jahseh's house?"
"Oh you know Jahseh?"
"Yeah I mean he is my boyfriend"
My heart literally stopped JAHSEH her boyfriend he never told me he had a girlfriend and she never told me who he was Jesus I feel so dumb right now even tho I didn't know at all
"Oh well that's cool I'm just babysitting his little brother for a week while our moms is on vaca"
"Oh cool where is he?"
"He should be in his room you can go if you want"
"Mkay see y'all later"
Me and Mia-"byeeee"
"Mia why didn't you tell me she was coming"I whispered screamed
"You guys are good friends I didn't know it was problem sorry"
"It's cool atleast now I know he's taken" "ugh how I wish he wasn't"
"Well you still have Dante"
"Girl chill we need to watch a movie to calm your nerves wanna sit here and watch or go to the movies"
"Ugh I can't be here right now let's go to the movies"
"Those were our plans anyway"
I heard someone coming down the stairs I looked and it was aiden Jahseh and Geneva.
"Oh sorry I yelled"
Jahseh-"it's cool are you alright tho?"
Geneva-"is Mia still bugging you to get back with Dante"
"Wait y'all know each other?" Said Jahseh
"Yeah um she's my friend I didn't know you were her boyfriend haha"
"Oh I thought she just showed up and you opened the door for her"
Geneva-" Nah we been besties since kindergarten all three of us"
"well Geneva me and Mia going to the movies wanna come?"
"Yeah Jahseh come on let's go"
"Wait who's gonna stay with aiden?"
"The neighbors can watch him" and with that he slid on his slides but his jacket on with no shirt and yelled for aiden to come downstairs.
"What do you want Jahseh I was playing my game you made me lose" he said with an annoyed face it was so funny lol.
"We're taking you to the neighbors house" he said
"Why isn't it India's job to watch me?" "And yours"
"Um yeah aiden but we're going to the movies and we can't leave you alone" I said kinda feeling guilty cause it is my job and I'm not really doing good.
"Whatever let go put my clothes on brb"
We just waited neva was on jahseh's lap and I was sitting next to Mia all the way at the end of the couch.
"Why you sitting all the way over there indie winde?" Mia said.
"I don't really know Mia wia"
We all laughed except for Jahseh he was just staring at me and he wasn't just looking at my face. Aiden can running downstairs with his tablet and his charger in his hand "I'm ready"
" Took you long enough"Jahseh said
When we dropped aiden off we headed to the movies Mia was driving and neva was in the front seat which is weird I would've thought that she sit with her mans but she didn't I guess she's still the same neva never gives up a front seat pass lol, Jahseh just kept staring at me when I looked back we just stared at each other for a while until he looked away. We arrived at the movies at like 9:45 our movie started at 10 so we were just in time we got our snacks and headed to the movie theater we all got cozy and when I mean all of us I mean all me and Mia was our usual goofy selfs and we sat at the top in the middle where no one was sitting so we put our feet up on the seats in front of us and kicked off our shoes neva was all cuddling with Jahseh until she got a text which was silent but her flash went on which kinda drawed attention to us I was next to her so I looked and so did Jahseh it was a man and it said side boo😍😘❤️ I was shook and from the looks of it Jahseh was mad it said "so when's round 2 baby😉😏" she looked right at Jahseh and he was furious he walked out and she left out and left her phone there and her "side boo" sent a pic it was him and her about a year ago and it was Dante now I was mad cause I was with him then and I'm thinking maybe she was the girl he cheated on me with so I stormed off to and Mia followed behind me when I got to where her and Jahseh was they were arguing but he seemed like he was falling for her apology but wasn't gonna I walked up to her and pushed her straight to the ground for my size I was really strong I got it from my dad side of the family they like really strong or whatever but when she looked up she had tears in her eyes and her leg was all bruised Jahseh was even more mad "WHY DID YOU DO THAT INDIA" he yelled in my face and helped her up "BECAUSE SHE WAS FUCKING MY MAN WHEN I WAS WITH HIM THIS WAS STILL GOING ON A YEAR AGO AND WHEN I FOUND OUT HIS BITCH ASS WAS CHEATING IT WAS WITH HER" he looked shocked as I showed him the picture she tried apologizing to me and to Jahseh again Cause apparently they were together for years and she doing this. He let go of her arm and she fell to the floor crying ughh how I wanted to beat her ass I wasn't not in front of all these people I might go to jail and possibly kill her.
I was mad as hell and I know they knew it cause they kept asking are you alright while her bitch ass was pouting over her leg I think I broke it anyways I just walked right out of the movie theater and called an Uber but like 15 seconds later Jahseh came out and I just started walking I don't why cause he didn't do anything to me but I did I guess I just didn't wanna be bothered but he saw me and started walking towards me he grabbed my arm before I started walking off "why you walk out like that" he said
"Cuz i was bout to punch her in her fucking face she was making me mad I ain't even push her that hard" I said he chuckled "India why you lying you pushed her so hard I swear I saw her fly to the other side of the room" " yeah we'll she was supposed to my friend and she knew I loved him and she did that shit and didn't think I was gon find out?" "HELL she even comforted me and told me she was gon find the bitch who he was with and beat her ass" I sighed and waved it off and said " I guess she was bout to be fighting herself" i sat down on the bench that was right next to us and he did to and he put his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him and I couldn't help but to just start crying I mean I dont have love for Dante any more but I love him still and I had love for him last year and she knew that he was just comforting me and shushing me until we saw an ambulance pull up we both stood up and I looked at him and said " I didn't hurt her that bad and he just left me and ran back to the theater and to my luck it started raining I just sat there in the rain and my Uber pulled up I waved it off cuz I just wanted to sit there maybe even walk and so I did but half way there I fell out and everything went black

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