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I woke up next to jahseh, he was laying on my chest and he looked so comfortable then when I was just about to try and go back to sleep the door opens
"JAHSEH? INDIA?"Cleo yelled out. I got up and stretched but then I heard footsteps coming up so I shook jahseh so he could wake up
"Wake up jahseh!" I whisper yelled
"What? Why it's 7:30 in the morning just lay back down india"
"No our parents are here" he shot up then I heard knocking but it was at jahseh's door then jahseh just slipped into the closet and my mom opened the door
"Hey baby where's jahseh?" My mom asked with Cleo behind her
"Umm I think he's with his friend he left out earlier today"
"Ok thanks I'm gonna call him" Cleo said
"No! I- I mean um he left his phone in his room" she looked at me weird and laughed "ok you don't have to act like that, it's like your hiding something" she said then went downstairs laughing my mom just stared at me like I was crazy and she knew what was up
Then she walked away. I sighed then went to the closet and opened it jahseh was sitting there all comfortable on his phone "you can get out now" he got up then my mom called me "INDIA GET YOUR STUFF ITS TIME TO GO" I looked at him and hugged him "you will be missed JahJah" he looked at me confused "why JahJah?" "Idk I came up with it the moment you told me your name" he rolled his eyes "Well I could always just come and see you"
"Mhm sure"
"Baby" I looked at him in confusion cause I thought that last night was a fake for him
"You mines alright" I blushed then got my stuff when I bent down to get my flat irons jahseh slapped my ass "yo what the fuck that hurt" he grinned and kissed me "FaceTime me later baby" I nod then walk downstairs "you ready india?" I nod "bye Cleo"
"Bye baby" we walked to the car then I see Geneva and the girl that helped her and Mia fight me walk up. Geneva gave me a dirty look then my mom rolled down the window "heyyy Geneva" she smiled
"Oh Heyy ms alani"
"Girl I told you just call me lala and I wanted to say.... keep ya nasty ass legs closed before you get pregnant" my mom rolled up her window and drove off I just laughed and texted jah

Heyy JahJah I just wanted
to know... why neva there?
I was trying to keep my cool cause like why the fuck he leave me on read is that hoe with him or something? I just pushed the thoughts to the back of my head cause he literally said I was his but is he mines? Ughhhh India just think of something else man
3 hours later
I'm on the couch watching tv when I get a notification it was from Snapchat and from some rando I opened it and it was jahseh kissing Geneva bringing her to his bed then the video ended. I was hurt in all different ways I was angry sad and lost I felt like I was in this hole but it had a wall and if I climb the wall my family friends and jahseh will be there and they would love me and i wouldn't go thru the pain I'm in but I knew that there's no possible way to climb it, it's to tall. I cried to myself then I fell asleep I woke up to my mom shaking me " get up india remember your school is having a field trip today" i totally forgot about that shit like they fucking announced that 2 weeks ago "ohh uh yeah where we going again?"
"To New York"
"Oh right I'm ok what time is it?"
"4am your supposed to be there at 6 and your staying there for 2 weeks" Ugh right, I got up did my hygiene put my clothes on and went downstairs "hey mom can I borrow the bmw?"
"Yeah I'll just have Cleo take me to pick it up" I nod and grab the keys and walk out going to the car when I got in I got a text from a group it had gazzy, ash, trippie and Milan in it

Y'all ready to go to

Yess hoe can't wait

Yass gurl

Shut up gazzy u gay asf😂😂

You madd you maddd


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