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                                 Jahseh POV

I was just standing there wondering why she ran I mean do I scare her? do I look bad? Nahhh I look great man.. so why did she leave

" JAH"
"What ski?" " tf is you screaming my name like that for?"
" well maybe if you LISTENED the first FOUR times I wouldn't have to scream ya name"
"Whatever what do you want?"
"I got the stuff we can go now and who's the girl and why she run out?"
"Her name India and I don't know why she ran out"
"She sexy as hell" "need to stop playing and let me hit it"
"Shut the fuck up ski, she don't want you"
"Mhm whatever"
"Go fuck around with the other girl"
"Matter fact I will, she fine too and the seem like friends so maybe you might actually see her again thanks to me"
"I would see her with or without you"
"What stalking her" he laughed hard
I rolled my eyes and walked out the store, I ain't got time for ski and his bullshit. I should text India and see why she ran out... yup I'm gonna text her

Why you run out like that ma?
So she just gon leave me on read huh? Aight I got her  I mean it's not like we know each other like that but I mean damn we can get to know each other.

"She still on your mind?" Ski asked man he annoying me like crazy so I just started walking.
"Nah man the girl just left me on read I ain't thinking about her no mo" I was lying she so beautiful in person I can't get her out my fucking head but I need to.  
       Incoming call.....from mom
"Hey baby I just wanted to tell you I'm gonna be gone with my friend for like a week and I got a babysitter to watch aiden"
"Well you gotta be there to help her Jahseh"
"I will and it's a her?"
"Yes and please don't be messing around or being mean to her I'm gonna need her a lot more and plus she my friends daughter"
"Ok ok what's her name"
"Your never this interested but her name is lan lan tho"
"Why lan lan?"
"Cause her middle name is Milan and I call her lan lan that's why stop asking so many questions"
"What's her first name ma?"
"I gotta go Jahseh but be at home by 7:00 it's 6:37 so get to moving byee baby"
"Ma what's her nam-"
Hangs up call
Whatever I don't even know why I'm so interested but Milan is a pretty name wonder how my mom knows these people..whatever tho I need to tell ski to cancel our trip to the food court

"Ski we can't go to the food court"
"WHAT why?"
"I need to go to the house my mom is going out of tow- Nigga just come on"
"Whatever man"

                                 IN THE CAR
" "aight we here you can get out my car now"
"Fuck you"
"See ya vro"
"Bye vro"

I was walking to the house literally all the lights was on except for mine.. I walk in and see my mom talking to this lady she was pretty I'm guessing that's her friend i close the door and they eyes go on me.
"Hey baby this is alani but you can call her lala she's my friend and her daughter is in the bathroom she'll be out soon"
"Ok" I said really not caring
But when the girl opened the bathroom I was shook
She looked at me and I looked at her our parents just stared back and fourth finally lala broke the silence "y'all know each other or something"
"Uhh not really" she said
"I just saw him at the mall and mialana was looking at his friend that's how I remember him that's all"
I just kept looking at her with shock and I finally looked away and went upstairs

I couldn't believe I was gonna be staying with Jahseh for a week I just embarrassed myself in front of him AND I left him on read when he asked why I ran away.. but omg its not even the point he is so fine and when I'm around cute boys I blush non stop I smile all the time I even laugh at stuff that's not even funny like omgg I gotta tell mialana so I called her to tell her

"Wassup best friend"
"Heyy boo you will never believe this shit I'm about to tell you"
(Their parents left so they're not listening to her lmfao)
"What Girl"
"You know that boy that was like wassup India in Spencer's today?"
"Yeah what about him oh and I got his friend number and why did you run away?"
"Mimi I will tell you later and we can talk about your upcoming new boyfriend"
"Ok so what about him?"
"I'm freaking in his house right now"
"What no stop screaming in my ear I'm babysitting his little brother till his mom come back with my mom from their little girl vaca"
"Umm ok why the hell he can't watch his little brother?"
"See I don't even know, I could be at your house right now"
"Or with Dante"
"Nah fuck Dante I'm done with his ass he can go fuck that other bitch he was with"
"You know you still want him"
"I love him but I'm not in love with him anymore fuck him"
"Um ok you know you really confuse me but can I come over?"
"Um sure why not aiden playing games and not paying attention anyway"
"Ok I'm on my way"
"Ok bye bitch"
"Bye hoeee"
I was about to go the room that Cleo said I can stay in and when I went there I looked across from it and it was Jahseh room and the door was cracked open enough that I can see him he turned around and smiled at me the he started walking towards me and said
"So your middle name Milan huh"
"Yeah funny story is that your mom named me Milan"
"What then how come I never met you?"
"Me and my mom moved to New York when I was 5"
" I still didn't meet you then"
"My mom and your mom wasn't on good terms like that anymore the stopped talking to each other when I was 1 and started talking again just last year"
"When did you move back?"
"4 years ago"
"And why didn't we see each other then?"
"Cause my mom thought your mom and her still wasn't friends long story short they saw each other at a market last year and started talking again now they're the best of friends again and we just meeting each other"
"Hm ok that wasn't a short story but ook"
"Anyway you wanna tell me why you ran now?"
"Umm I-" the doorbell rung and I was saved I went to get the door and it was mia and neva, neva is my other friend her actual name is Geneva we all like just so close but neva kinda hasn't been acting the same since her boyfriend whatever his name was he kinda changed her but she was still my girl I mean we've known each other since kindergarten

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