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I woke up with tear stains on my cheek and I turn over to see jahseh on his bed sleep.

I get up to go wash my face and brush my teeth and when i was done I took a shower and got dressed.

"Good morning" I just looked at him and got my phone off my dresser but as I was trying to pick it up he grabbed my hand.

"I'm really sorry india"

"Yeah I know, but that doesn't mean I forgive you."

"India you tripping I didn't mean to do that and you know that shit, you KNOW that I can't control that"

"STOP SAYING THAT JAH YOU CAN CONTROL IT AND I KNOW IT AND YOU DO TOO. YOU HURT ME AND YOU CANNOT TAKE THAT SHIT BACK SO STOP APOLOGIZING" I walked away with my phone and got purse and walked out the room to meet up with Milan

30 minutes laterrr....

I had just arrived at Air zone where Milan told me to meet her at

"Wassup lani"

"Heyy sis what's been up with you"

"You asking me that like we didn't just see eachother yesterday" I said laughing

"Well a lot can happen in a day" and she was right and I was deciding if I should tell her about what happened with jahseh

"Nah not that much happened, nothing interesting at least"

"Oh, well who was that cute boy from yesterday?"

" who Ronnie?"

"Yess that's his name who is he?"

"Childhood friend/ childhood crush"

"Ooou childhood crush that's always a plus"

"Oh shut up lani I'm not like that with him no more plus he probably still go out with the goblin girlfriend of his"

"Well you can easily steal him bitch"

"Girllll" I said laughing and she laughed too

"Anyways wassup with you bringing me here"

"Cause air zone is fun we can bounceee" she said exaggerating the word

"Mhmm sure but you buying the food cause they shit pricey as hell"

"Whatever, how's you and jah?"

"Girl don't ask me about him you know he still fuck with geneva and I ain't wit that" I say walking towards the line to buy tickets and food

"I feel you but it's something about him that I like and that I want for you"

"Girl if it's cheating then you doing me dirty as hell"

"Girl no" she laughed "you know I would never do that shit to you girl if he cheat on you I'm killing him myself" I just laugh cause she looked so fucking serious while saying that

"Girl shut up and get my food" she just rolled her eyes.

  Many of hours after eating playing gossiping  and talking shit.....

I walk towards the hotel door exhausted to hear giggling and shit and when I open the door I'm instantly annoyed, it was jahseh and Geneva in the bed with the lights off and tv on just cuddling watching a movie.

I walk towards the bathroom and close the door to get ready for bed I was gonna turn the light on and tv off but I didn't wanna be petty I mean this is 'his room too'

I walk out the bathroom with and sports bra and some shorts on that showed a lot of ass because I mean I didn't say I wasn't gonna be a little petty

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