by his eleventh birthday the drawings had got annoying. kids would tease him about the hearts, saying that he was a princess and the drawings were ugly.
jack had started to believe that. the hearts and stick figures had progressed greatly, he guessed the girl behind the drawings had taken some drawing lessons, but he never really appreciated them like he used to.
today he was sat in class staring at his arms. today there were hearts on every finger. each one had a different colour and jack glared at his hand. all of a sudden, a huge pink heart appeared in the middle of his palm.
jack angrily took a black marker out of his desk and scribbled all over the small hearts, he made the huge pink heart broken by putting a line straight through the middle. in large letters he spelled out the word, 'stop!'
he turned his hand over and saw a sad face with a tear falling, right beside that was a, 'sorry...' jack was slapped with guilt but remembered all the names he's been called, and that guilt faded as quickly as it came.
Fanfictionjack looked down at his arm and read, "why didn't you draw to me when you were scared?" he grabbed his blue marker and in small letters wrote back, "why didn't you?"