Christmas Break

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The rising sun streamed through the windows of Room Thirty as a winter morning had begun in London. It was the morning after last night’s argument and only three of the Room’s inhabitants were to be found. Alissia awoke to the sound of Rosabelle and Serena packing noisily chatting in hush tones even though they didn’t think Camilla would be coming back till later, only to get her seven Louis Vutton suitcases that were packed messily. As the weak girl opened her eyes her two roommates looked over immediately as they apologised for disturbing her, Serena walked over and sat on her bed “Hey.. Good morning” she said “Good morning” Alissia crocked trying to hide how she felt today, she couldn’t get out of bed, she knew she couldn’t physically but her brain didn’t want to, there was absolutely no motivation “Alissia, you look so ill today” Rosabelle whispered sitting on Camilla’s bed which was next to her friend’s “Guys.. I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me” she smiled weakly knowing they weren’t convinced, she decided to change the subject “So you guys are going home for Christmas! Where is it you’re going?” “Well I’m going back to Greece this year” Serena started “My dad, my grandmother and my little brother Stanley live out there and it’s much better than when I have to stay in London with my mother and her new boyfriend, I do miss the snow though” she laughed “And what about you Rosabelle?” “Same as every year really, me, mum and dad.. I don’t have any brothers or sisters so it’s pretty quiet” “Same my Christmas’s were always quiet but we liked it that way” “What did you used to do?” Serena asked throwing a tap shoe into her suitcase across the room and cheering as she succeeded “Well normally grandpa and I would paint a special canvas for each other each year, we’d wrap them up in newspaper and open them together on Christmas morning, I wish I had one to show you he’s an amazing artist, then we’d have lunch about one and err this friend I used to have Katrina would come eat with us and we’d play in the snow and stuff” “Oh is that the emo!” they both said at the same time “Oh my gosh well maybe this Christmas will be a little more normal” Serena laughed “Bet you miss your Grandpa though” Rosabelle stated “I do” she confessed “And Arianna doesn’t seem to want me to contact him anymore..” “Typical Ms Alexandrov” they said again “But hey we really better be going I hope you have a really good Christm-“Serena was interrupted by her statement as Camilla finally re-entered the room with a couple of guys in grade 7 to help her carry her bags “Hi” Serena squeaked “Oh don’t stop on my account I’m leaving, I hope the two of you have a good Christmas” she nodded her head towards Rosabelle and Serena “And what about Alissia? I thought we agreed to be civil last night Camilla” “Yeah well last night was last night wasn’t it I’m over it and I want to piss off home for Christmas” she snapped in no mood to argue but Serena bravely confronted her “Yeah so you visited the toilets yet again” Camilla’s icy blue eyes met Serena’s own, she looked weaker for a second embarrassed that Serena had brought this up in front of two of the hottest guys in school (her fuck buddies as she referred to them) “Yeah well Karma will get you, it will get you all” her eyes moved to Alissia as she gave her a threatening look that she then laughed off “Blake, Aaron- get my bags please- bye” she spat sarcastically as Serena stood heart pounding in her chest waiting till they had all left “We better be going too Rosabelle” as they said goodbyes and exchanged hugs Alissia was left alone to catch some much needed sleep.

About twenty minutes after she’d fallen back to sleep again there was a knock on the door “whaaat?!” she yelled sleepily thinking one of her roommates had forgotten something as the white wood door swung open. It was Henry who entered, “Hey!... Errr Gorgeous” he questioned the word gorgeous as his new girlfriend lay half asleep “Henry!.. Crap hey” she sat up slowly hiding under the covers more “I gotta go for Christmas but I just wanted to stop first and say bye to you.. You feeling any better?” “No not really babe” she said sadly “Hey I could cheer you up if you wanted too” he flirted “What?! Er no aha I’m good thanks” “Oh you don’t like me?” “No I just.. I’ve been with you like a day” “So?” “Soo.. I think we should wait a little” “Well how long?” “I don’t know!!” there was a pause “Well anyway I really best get going, have an awesome Christmas babe, see you after New Year’s” he kissed her forehead and left and Alissia lay back down, Jesus she felt exhausted.

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