chapter one

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I was in the local coffee shop scrolling through Instagram aimlessly. I liked my friend's pictures and commented on a few. Honestly, I hated social media. I only went on to please my friends who blow up my phone if I don't like and comment on their posts. I don't get what's so cool about showing people a picture with 30,000 filters on it and a lame caption, but whatever. I kept scrolling until I saw a picture that made my heart drop.

 I kept scrolling until I saw a picture that made my heart drop

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And there she is. Camila Cabello. I bit my lip while I stared at that stunning picture of my ex girlfriend. My ex-girlfriend that I still love. It's been almost five years but who can blame me. What we had was special. To me at least. Sure we were young, but I don't think you're ever too young to find love. After a lot of debating, I liked the picture. I've never liked any of her posts. I know that's petty but I didn't want her to think I was hung up on her (even if I am). It's not like she'll even see. I mean over a million likes. Why would I stick out?

I closed out of Instagram, as a finished my iced latte. I threw my empty cup in the trash as I made my way out the door. I decided to head over to my friend Kaitlyn's apartment. She's been there for me through the whole Camila debacle. She, too was tossed aside.

(Kaitlyn; aka Renee Herbert)

As I made my way down the busy street, I looked around, taking in my surroundings

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As I made my way down the busy street, I looked around, taking in my surroundings. My eyes trained onto a nearby oak tree, standing tall in a small park. I felt an overwhelming sadness take over in my chest, as a large weight pressed on my heart.

Her beautiful laugh filled my ears as we sat together in the shade. My girlfriend sat comfortably in between my legs as I wrapped my arms around her.
"Y/N?" she asked. I hummed in response, feeling blissful as her sweet scent filled my surroundings. "I love you." Camila whispered. My world stood still. The young Cuban turned in my lap, as she innocently straddled my waist. Her soft hands came up to caress my cheeks as she looked into my eyes. I leaned forward connecting our lips in a gentle kiss. As I pulled away, I rested my forehead on hers. Finally saying the words that have been circulating my brain for so long.
"I love you too." Camila leaned in and kissed me again. The kiss was filled with so much passion. We poured our love into that kiss. I felt a whole new sensation take over my body. I love this girl. And at that moment I knew, no one would ever hold my heart the way she did right then.

I walked faster as my eyes began to water. My fast walking soon turned into a light jog, then a full on run. I arrived at Kaitlyn's within ten minutes and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal my best friend in just her underwear and a baggy shirt. Without a word, I walked into her house and began to head towards her fridge.

"Well hello to you too, Y/N." She greeted sarcastically. As I opened the refrigerator door.

"Bitch. Where's all your food? This shit's empty." I said, ignoring her previous statement, as I stared into the sad looking fridge.

"You could have...oh I don't know...GOTTEN YOUR OWN DAMN FOOD."

I looked over towards her to see her with a playful glare. I chuckled as I closed the fridge and looked at her fruit basket. I grabbed an apple, after seeing that bananas were the only other option. I don't eat bananas anymore, not after her.

"So why are you here? What happened?" Kaitlyn asked as I took a bite out of the sweet fruit.

"Does there have to be a reason?" I asked playfully in which she replied with a look that read Are you serious? "Fine, fine. I saw something."

"And..." She probed, looking at me expectantly.

"A picture of her..." I muttered, feeling somewhat ashamed to still be hurt over a picture.

"Oh. Well, she is like, super famous so. Hard to get by that," She shrugged. "You need to move the fuck on, girl."

"I can't. She's it for me Kait. I know it." I replied sadly, playing with a loose string on my ripped jeans.

"I can't believe I'm actually gonna say this but..." Kaitlyn sighed, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger before continuing. "Go get her."

"W-what?" I stuttered. Was she really suggesting what I think she is? Kaitlyn hates Camila for what she did to me, to both of us.

"Listen, I know I'm not her biggest fan but, you obviously love her. I think, that if you think, she's it for you...then you should go get her back." She finished. I stared at her with a shocked expression, trying to find words to reply with.

"I don't even know how. It's been five years. Five years, Kait. What if she's moved on?" I asked, feeling my heart drop at the thought of my girl with someone else.

"Okay, Y/N. I'm only gonna day this once and I will deny it if you ever bring it up again, okay?" I nodded, coaxing her to continue. "Camila left for a reason. She had to have. There's no way she would leave you like she did for no reason. She loved you so much. Even if she has moved on, you'll at least know why she did what she did."

Kaitlyn brought up a good point. One that had crossed my mind many times before. "O-okay. Yeah. Okay." I finally said, becoming more sure of myself with each word.

"Okay. Let's do it then." She reached over for her nearby laptop, before opening it and beginning to type something. "So Camila is apparently gonna be at the charity concert for Boston Children's Hospital." She read from her screen, after a few seconds.

"That's this weekend." I breathed out, feeling my heart rate accelerate at the thought of seeing Camila again for the first time it so long.

"Yup," she replied, before looking up at my eyes with a smirk. "And we're going to see her."


Okay so, I have a lot of ideas for this. I'm really excited and I hope it's good.

In this story i'm not gonna add in like examples of what you're wearing, just cuz everyone's style is different so. Just imagine what you'd actually wear.

Please vote and comment anything you want :)

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