chapter two

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"Fuck, Kait. I can't do this." I said as I got ready in my room for the concert tonight. Seeing Camila after so long scared me but, I know I need to do this.

"Bitch. You're the one who agreed. Plus, you have to do this. It'll be good for you." Kaitlyn said, keeping her focus on her nails as she painted them at my desk.

"I know. I'm scared," I breathed out, deeply. "Okay. How do I look?" I asked as I turned from my full length mirror to face my best friend. I watched her look up and slowly trail her eyes up and down my body, squinting as she studied my outfit.

"Hot." She replied simply.

"Okay. Come on. Let's get this over with," I said with a sigh.

Once we arrived at Boston Common, I stepped out of my car, my stomach fluttering with nerves. Kait started off towards the check in area where we each gave a donation before entering the tall gates. We were met with a mass of people surrounding a big stage with a drum set, a few mic stands, and keyboard. The lights were off, leaving the stage dark. People waited impatiently for the first act, Rita Ora.

After about ten minutes of standing around, someone from Boston's local radio station, Matt, came out to introduce Rita. Soon after, she took the stage to sing her new single, Girls. After she sang a few more songs, she announced that after about three more songs, the next act will come out. Camila's number four, according to the line-up.

"Hey," I leaned over to whisper in Kaitlyn's ear. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

"Get me a Coke, please." She replied, before looking me in the eye. "And don't you dare fucking leave."

"I won't," I laughed out.

There were only a few people in the line for drinks, most people getting their drink before the concert had started. I ordered two Cokes and payed the woman, who looked to be in about her mid-thirties, before deciding to walk around the Common. Camila and I used to walk around here. We would walk to a bench that was hidden behind some bushes and just talk about whatever came to mind.

I decided to head to our secret spot, which I guess is just my secret spot now. I started humming as I squeezed through the small gap in between the bushes. As I emerged, my breath caught and my heart stopped.

There she was. After five years. The love of my life. Sitting on our bench, lightly swinging her feet, as she looked up at the clouds swimming in the blue sky. After a few moments of standing there in shock, she looked away from the sky and at me. She could probably feel my staring. As our eyes met, her's grew wide.

"Y/N. W-what...h-hey." Camila stuttered. I never realized how much I missed her voice. It was different in some ways. But still small and soft. Just as I remember.

"Um...hi," I replied, lamely.

"Do you wanna um....sit? Maybe? I can leave if you want." She offered. I slowly made my way over and sat on the bench, leaving some distance between us. We sat in silence for what felt like ages, before she looked over at me. I looked at her, meeting her brown eyes. I felt my heart drop, then rapidly accelerate. God, I missed those eyes.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Huh? Oh...the staring. Sorry. You uh- you look different. Not a bad different. You're still pretty, gorgeous even. I just meant you uh matured. Yeah." She rambled, which I still found completely adorable.

"I see you still ramble when you're nervous," I chuckled.

"Uh-yeah." She said, blushing. Before she could say anything else, Camila's phone began to ring. She quickly tapped the green button before answering. "Hey Roger. Okay. Yeah. I'm on my way over now. Okay bye," she said, hanging up. "That was my manager. I'm up in a few minutes."

"Okay. It was nice to see you." I said honestly.

"You too," The tiny brunette began to walk away, my eyes naturally falling to her backside, before she abruptly spun on her foot, and catching me staring. She smirked, "Do you wanna get coffee or something? While I'm in town? We should catch up."

"Uh yeah sure. What's your number?" I asked, taking out my phone.

"Well aren't you straight forward," she teased. "Let me see your phone." I handed her my phone, our hands touched. She didn't remove her hand, we looked at each other for a few seconds before I awkwardly cleared my throat, ending whatever that was. After she finished, she said goodbye, after making sure I was gonna see her performance. I stayed by that bench for a little while, trying to calm my nerves. I'm not quite sure how I kept my cool. I didn't freak out on her or pass out, like I imagined. I still didn't get answers though. Maybe I will soon. I walked out of the bushes and towards the stage, handing Kaitlyn her drink, just as Camila walked out, causing the crowd to roar in anticipation.

"Hey guys. I'm so excited to be here and help raise money for these kids. Any amount you can donate will help. Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy." Camila greeted, after the crowd settled down. I smiled at her caring nature. Soon after, the beginning to her first song began. I close my eyes as her soothing voice took me somewhere else.

Something must have gone wrong in my brain
Got your chemicals all in my veins
Feelin' all the highs, feelin' all the pain

My mind began to wander to a better place. To when Camila was still mine. She would write songs and sing them to me, and only me. Now she tours the world, pouring her heart out in her music. Before I knew it, she had moved onto the last song. As she sang, I noticed her looking around the crowd, before meeting my eyes. She held eye contact for the rest of the song. It hit harder than expected and I began to tear up, as did she. This had to have been about me. Or else's she wouldn't be giving me this look right now.

Lovin' you was dumb, and dark, and cheap
Lovin' you it still takes shots at me
From lovin' you was sunshine
And then it poured
And I lost so much more than my senses
'Cause lovin' you had consequences

If this song was about me, then what the fuck was she talking about? I didn't do anything wrong...I don't think. All I remember was her leaving me, out of the blue. Suddenly, one of the lines hit me. Lovin' you it still takes shots at me. Does that mean she still loves me too? So many questions swarmed my mind. I finally came back to Earth, feeling Kaitlyn hit my arm rather harshly.

"Dude, where the fuck did you just go?" She asked, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"I don't know. I um...I saw Camila."

"No shit. So did I. And so did everyone else here." She replied sarcastically.

"Bitch, no. I mean I saw her alone. At our old spot." I explained.

"Oh. Fuck. How'd that go?" She asked as we began to walk around aimlessly.

"Fine, I guess. We didn't really get to talk before she was called to perform. And when we did she just rambled. The silence was nice though. I For the first time in a long time, I felt okay. She gave me her number and we're gonna get food or something." I told her. She began to smirk towards the end, causing me to ask why.

"She still has feelings." She said.

"What? How do you know that?" I asked as I stopped walking. Kait followed suit and stopped as well.

"Well, Camila never fucking shuts up. At least she never used to, unless she was nervous. You said she didn't talk and she rambled, so she was probably nervous. The last time she was nervous around you was seventh grade, when she started crushing on you." She explained, my mouth slowly falling open as I took in all she was saying.

"Well, shit." Was all I could say in that moment. We continued walking for about another half hour, letting the traffic dissipate, before heading to the car and leaving the Common.

idk what to say here so....i hope you enjoyed :)

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