chapter three

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Cami: heyyy

Y/N: hi camila

Cami: wyd?

Y/N: nothing rn. why?

Cami: i'm free right now. do you wanna get coffee?

Y/N: uh sure. where and when?

Cami: the usual spot and at 2:00?

Y/N: oh okay. i'll be there

I tossed my phone aside as I dropped back onto my bed. The 'usual spot' was somewhere Camila and I used to go almost daily. It's where she asked me to be her girlfriend all those years ago.

I sent a quick text to Kaitlyn, letting her know what was happening. Then, I got up and changed out of my pajamas. I began to head towards my car, nervously cracking my knuckles. I plugged in my phone to the aux cord and hit shuffle, before heading to the familiar coffee shop.

I walked through the doors causing the tiny bells above me to ring. The sound made a few people turn towards the door, I only cared about one. The brown eyes that lit up at they saw me, made my heart flutter. I walked over and sat down across from Camila.

"Hey," Camila greeted. "How-uh how are you."

"Good, yeah. You?" This was already awkward. The tension was there. All the unanswered questions swarmed around my head but I refused to ask them aloud just yet.

"I'm great now." Camila's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as she looked down at her hands that were resting on the table. My shocked look was replaced by a teasing smirk at seeing her embarrassed state. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that."

"Don't apologize. You're fine." Camila slowly looked up at me with a soft smile. Before I got lost in her eyes, I decided I should get my drink. "I'm gonna go order. Do you want anything?"

"Ooo can you get me a slice of banana bread please?" She asked. I smiled at the excitement written on her face.

"Sure, Cami," the nickname slipping off my tongue with familiar ease. I saw her blush before I turned away and started towards the counter.

After ordering my coffee and her banana bread, I went back to the table. Camila was typing away on her phone, eyebrows furrowed together and her lip tucked between her teeth. "" The small brunette glanced up from her phone, her face immediately softening.

"Oh! Thank you, I'm starving," She exclaimed, practically pouncing on her treat.

"You always were," I chuckled, leaning back in my chair, drumming my fingers on the table.

"Yeah. I am sorry, ya know. For leaving like that, I mean." Camila said, seemingly out of nowhere. I sat in stunned silence thinking about what to respond with. Finally, I decided to ask the one question that's been circulating my mind for the past five years.

"Why did you?" I inquired, quietly. Camila looked down at her now empty plate as she picked at her ripped jeans.

"You know why," was all she replied with before her phone started ringing. "Shit, I'm sorry." I smiled, letting her know it was fine, as she answered whoever was calling. "Hey. Uh out. Mhm. Oh okay. Tell him to wait then. For fucks sake. Fine." Camila angrily hung up the phone before looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"It's fine. If you have to go it's okay." I told her, still wondering about what she meant earlier.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'll make it up to you." She came over for a hug to which I happily obliged. We both went to kiss each other's cheeks, causing us to get dangerously close to our lips. Camila gave me a shy smile as she walked out the door. My head was spinning after that. Not only was I confused as shit, but we almost kissed. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss her. Of course I do. I've missed her lips. No one I've been with has given me the rush that hers did.

I shook away my thoughts as I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. I decided to play some upbeat music to distract myself. I shuffled through my Nicki Minaj playlist. I smiled as Get On Your Knees began to play. I turned up my volume as I drove out of the parking lot and into the busy streets of Boston.

After arriving back to my flat, I invited Kait over to explain to her what happened when i met up with Camila. I had just finished explaining, causing her to ask, "That's all she replied with? She didn't like...tell you exactly why?"

"No, why?" I asked, noticing she seems a little nervous for some reason.

"No reason. Just making sure," she replied with reassuring smile.

"Uh alright," I said, sitting down on the couch. I rested my elbows on my knees while putting my hands in my hair. "I don't what to do. Like should I meet up with her again?"

"Aren't you trying to get her back? Cause unless you left out a major part to your story, then yes, meet with her again." She said. I watched her get up and walk across the living space towards my kitchen. "I'm starving."

Well guess that's the end of that conversation. "I don't have anything really. We can just call for something?"

"Oh but when I don't have food it's a huge problem," Kait said sarcastically, causing me to laugh. "But yeah. Order a pizza pleaseee."


A few days later, when I woke up, I saw many new notifications on my Phone. The ones from a certain brunette catching my attention first.

Cami: hey

Cami: you're probably asleep whoops

Cami: i just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something again tomorrow

Cami: idk why i asked now cuz you're not up

Cami: but yeah let me know :)

I chuckled at her awkwardness before I sent a text back letting her know that I did want to 'do something again'. We decided on going to Boston Common and walking around for a bit.

I got up and got ready, deciding on a rather simple outfit. After all, it's just Camila. I grabbed an apple, and started towards my car.


Camila and I are currently seated on 'our' bench. We've spent the last hour and a half walking around and talking about anything and everything.

"Y/N..." Camila started. "I um...I want to try again. With you, I mean."

"Uh...Camila." I paused in shock. "Listen, I don't know. I mean how do I know you won't randomly leave me again?" I replied. I watched as Camila's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What? What do you mean?" She questioned, highly confused. "You know why I left."

"No, Camila, I don't. You left without telling me. Next thing I know, you're on TV debuting your new song!" I stood from the bench, starting to get more angry. Why is she acting like she has no idea she randomly left?

"What are you talking about?" She inquired as she stood as well.

"I don't know Camila, you tell me!" I watched as her eyes turned dark and she clenched her jaw.

"If you need me to say it all then fine, I will!" Camila growled.


lmao cliffhangers are the BEST

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