chapter thirteen

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Camila and I were making our way through the airport. We had just checked in for our flight and were now going through security. Camila was wearing ridiculously big sunglasses and a giant hoodie of mine, along with a pair of black leggings. I laughed at her outfit when she first emerged from the bathroom this morning, but I understood that she just didn't want to be recognized at 4:30 am. "This line is taking forever." Camila huffed.

I chuckled at her grumpiness. "We just got here, babe." Though I couldn't see her eyes, I could picture the exact look I was currently receiving. "Geez, sorry."

"I'm really not in the mood. I'm so fucking tired." She explained. Camila has never been a morning person, that I knew, but this was a little much, even for her.

"Cami," I started, causing her to look at me. "What's really wrong?"

"I just told you." Camila sighed. I held her gaze until she eventually gave up. "Ugh, fine. I'm hungry and I got my period this morning." She muttered, looking towards the ground.

"Aww, baby." I teased, wrapping my arms around her from behind. "We'll get you food when we get through security, okay?" The brunette leaned into me before nodding softly.

After about ten more minutes in line, we get through and began to head towards our gate. Once there, I glanced around at the different food places. Logan airport was huge but the food options were very limited.

"There's a Starbucks?" I offered. Camila nodded excitedly before we began to head over, hand in hand. As much as I loved seeing Camila's beautiful face, I loved when she was covered up so I could actually touch her in public. "Hi, can I get a venti cold foam cappuccino with caramel drizzle please and a venti vanilla frappe with extra vanilla?" I asked the smiling cashier. She nodded, collecting the cups. As she made our drinks, I watched as Camila stared into the glass showcase, filled with sweets. She chewed her lip, contemplating. She then pointed at a chocolate croissant, smiling. After ordering two of those, I payed and we went back towards our gate. "Better now?"

"Much," she replied with a mouthful. I chuckled at her before getting ready to board.


"Ahh, there she is," Matthew sighed. He opened his arms, drawing Camila into a hug. She reluctantly reciprocated before pulling away after a few seconds. "And...Y/N," He nodded to me before looking back at my girlfriend and smiling again. "How was the flight?"

"Boring." She replied, simply.

"Well, let's get going." He said, taking Camila's hand. She looked back at me, throwing me a sympathetic smile, and took off her glasses. I clenched my jaw. It's so unfair that he can hold her hand in public and she doesn't need a disguise. I'm her actual girlfriend and she literally needs a fucking costume to be seen with me. "This is my car." Matthew said, opening the passenger door for Camila.

"I'll sit in the back." She told him. He opened his mouth to say something but caught my death glare and nodded, closing the passenger door. I walked towards the back door, holding for my girlfriend.

"Thanks, baby." Camila whispered just loud enough for Matthew to hear. He clenched his jaw, moving to put our bags in the back. "How far do you live from here?" She asked as Matthew got into the car, my hand landing on Camila's upper thigh.

"Uh, about twenty minutes." Matthew answered, looking at us through his rearview mirror. The drive wasn't horrible. Camila and I snuggled up, sharing sweet kisses here and there and listening to the music on her phone through a shared set of earbuds. "We're here." Matthew informed us.

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