*fast forward* 0 days

4 3 2

Phil is out of the hospital. I sit at the edge of Ceader Cliff,it's April 7th,Phil sits next to me,holding my hand,we stare at the bottom. We don't plan on jumping,we just sit in silence,and take it all in,today was the day we should have jumped,today is the day of the death of a little sister,today is the day we will remember how much we actually mean,and no matter the fucked up shit we have done,or our family has done,we still matter,maybe not to the rest of the world,but to each other,and right at the moment,that is all that matters. '

Author's Note: HEY HOOMANS! so this is the end of the storyyyy,I really hope you liked it,and once again i'm sorry it took so long to write,but it was fun to write. I also want to tell you once again this is based off the book 'My heart and other black holes' by Jasmine Warga,and if you want to check out any of my other fan fics and future ones that would be great! Thank you for reading!! ly,xx:)

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