10th Chapter: Anxiously Waiting

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  The dim light from the windows illuminated Ryuzaki Sakuno's room. She lay on her bed, closed eyes, trying to count sheep until she fell asleep. But it has been hours, probably, and sleep doesn't even touch her system yet. It was as if she's not tired of the whole day that just passed by. She's getting impatient, and after the 1000th sheep has been counted, she gave up. Sitting on her bed, she tried to find her slippers through the dim light.

"Maybe I just need to drink some tea." a gush of wind coming from the open windows, making the curtains sway, made the Ryuzaki shiver a bit. Slipping on her footwear, on pajamas, she got out of the bed with the goal to close the window then go downstairs for a cup of tea.

Sakuno slid the curtains to the side as she reached for the window's lock. Her long unbraided hair moved a little with the wind. She felt goosebumps for some reason, as she closed the glass window. A chill on her spine remained as she tried to dismiss her thoughts. "It was probably just the cold wind." she tried to assure herself, while setting the curtains down, making sure the window is covered.

Slowly, she made her way out of her room. Facing the door to the tennis prince's room, she was very careful of the footsteps. Passing the guest room, Sakuno silently descended the stairs, trying to not wake anyone from the house. After all, it was 11:45 PM already as what the digital clock on the wall of the living room flashed. But she was quite surprised, an open laptop is on the table with paperworks at the side. The living room being faintly lit from the open lights at the kitchen. "Someone's thirsty as well?" She curiously made her way to the kitchen but she saw none. Instead, she heard the familiar bounce of tennis balls against the wall. The back door outside through the kitchen, is not locked. And as if she already knew who was playing tennis alone outside, at the dead of the night, despite the university's curfew, she opened the door to peek.

His dark green locks shined against the bright spotlight outside. With every swings of the racket, his expression remain unchanged, looking quite bored, actually but he still continued to play against the outside walls of the kitchen.

"Ryoma-kun?" she made her presence known to him.

"Why?" he replied nonchalantly, like playing tennis outside at this time is normal.

"Why are you practicing at this time?" the cold wind brushed against her skin, and she wished she was wearing a thick jacket instead of her thin, bunny print pajamas. She shivered slightly at the contact.

"I can't concentrate on my homework." he stopped on hitting the ball, and caught it with his right hand easily. He looked at her slightly blushing face from the cold. He sighed, as he walked to the door, the Ryuzaki girl following him inside the kitchen.

"Why are you still awake?" he put his red racquet against the wall, and proceeded to the refrigerator.

"I-I can't sleep." she reasoned out, and she suddenly felt embarrassed noticing the prince's curious eyes on her while drinking his ever beloved chilled Ponta, "So, I'm making myself some tea." Suddenly, wearing her pajamas is not the greatest of all ideas.

"Hm." he nodded, accepting her words, "Ne, Ryuzaki." he smirked, catching her off guard, "Those bunny prints look nice."

Flushing, she replied, "M-Mou, Ryoma-kun!"

But he ignored her protest. Looking amused, he walked to the living room, carrying his can of Ponta, leaving the girl on the kitchen to make her tea.

"Why does he love teasing me so much?" she pouted.

Looking at his back, Sakuno saw him on the table at the living room continuing his unfinished work.

"What could it be?" she thought, realizing they haven't been assigned any paperwork by the professors. "He must be catching up or something."

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