27th Chapter: raison d'etre

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For the umpteenth time that afternoon, his sharp eyes repeatedly ran over the same highlighted line over and over again. It was a slow day. His choice of studying in the kitchen to not feel sleepy was proving to be not an effective choice. He yawned.

At times like this that he needed his mind active, he would resort to a quick wall rally. But as it was only two days since his injury, he was strictly advised to not do any practice. Now, his old self wouldn't have cared. But over the years of experience and going pro, restraint has been a new lesson that he's been trying to polish. So for the day, he chose to study. It was the best time anyway as final exams for the semester are coming up and he won't be attending classes for the week.

He continued his struggle, breathing deep and stretching his neck on both sides to wake his body. Just as he was continuing reading, his phone buzzed.

"Probably just Kevin." he thought.

He ignored the buzzing of his phone by the kitchen table. It eventually stopped— much to the tennis prince's satisfaction, until it buzzed again, repeatedly in intervals. Ryoma knew that it was just text message notifications, but it was starting to bug him.

So he reaches for his phone. True enough, the message notifications were from Kevin. He opens it, seeing why his phone kept buzzing.

3:05 PM

Kevin: Hey

Kevin: So exam season's getting near

Kevin: What are your study plans?

3:08 PM

Kevin: Nvm.

3:10 PM

Kevin: Hey

3:11 PM

Kevin: Ryoma

3:12 PM

Kevin: We're coming over.

Kevin: Don't kick us out.

Kevin: I swear...

3:13 PM

Kevin: Just getting some snacks for our study night!

3:15 PM

Kevin: sent a photo.

An eyebrow twitched, seeing the message of his blond friend. That Kevin. His friend really had the audacity to just announce his upcoming stay without even asking permission. An irate scroll to the messages, and he saw that Kevin sent a photo.

It was a photo of Ryuzaki and Kate, obviously enjoying themselves over shopping for snacks.

When his eyes took a glance at the smiling Ryuzaki, his chest tightened. Somehow, the idea of his friends staying now drew a different feeling from him. Rather than annoyance, there's the unexplainable discomfort on his stomach— surely not from his lunch, but closer to the feeling of nervousness.

Ryuzaki is coming.


"Hey... Sakuno-to-Earth?"

Kate snapped her fingers in front of Ryuzaki Sakuno who was lost in her thoughts.


"Oh. Hey, Kate-san." Sakuno recognized, "Were you saying something?"

"Are you okay?" Kate asked. Her tone worried.

The girl immediately nodded.

"Yes..." she replied, "I was just lost in my thoughts for a bit."

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