24th Chapter: Unexpected Visits

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“... That would be all for today. Good night.” The professor immediately gathered up all of his things before he gave a dismissive wave to the students of the class.

“Right on time.” Sakuno muttered, looking at the time in her wrist watch that flashed, 7:30 pm. She gathered her things and slid them all in her bag neatly. The room was already half-way empty with the students exiting towards home or to another night period class.

Thankfully, it was her last class for today. She took her sweet time, waiting for the majority of the crowd to exit the door so she wouldn’t have to bump with anyone during the rush. Finally going out, a tap on her shoulder halted her.


She turned her head, facing the owner of the familiar voice that she hasn’t heard for a while, “Kate-san?”

Kate’s emerald eyes gazed at Ryuzaki’s for a while, an awkward smile plastered on her face, “It’s been a while.”


“Are you sure you’re okay, eating here?” Sakuno threw a glance at her pink-haired companion.

“Of course, Sakuno. Don’t be silly,” Kate chuckled, “I do eat here sometimes with Kevin and Ryoma.”

The small diner located near the university’s main building is a far cry from the high end restaurants that serve haute cuisine. It was bustling. The school’s night students seeking for affordable yet delicious dinner filled the tables. The sound of chatter and laughter became the staple over the very public establishment.

On one table nearest to the glass windows sat Kate and Sakuno. Their eyes glued to the tray of ordered food being placed by one of the shop’s attendants in front of them. It was the american girl who picked on a french fry first and popped it in her mouth. Meanwhile, the japanese girl took a spoonful of the chicken soup.

“I heard that you moved out of your shared boarding house with Ryoma?”

The sudden question almost made Sakuno choke on her soup. She already expected that Kate had her reasons for suddenly seeking her out. Though, the girl thought it was surprising that this was all about her moving out.

“I did.” Sakuno replied casually, careful that she doesn’t show any kind of heavy emotion over the consequences of what she deemed to be the best way forget.

“Really?” Kate’s brows furrowed. Her eyes held no malice or happiness, only curiosity over her decision, “Why?”

“Well...” Sakuno found it hard to explain, “... I-It’s a long story not even worth mentioning...” She stuttered, unconsciously fiddling with her spoon.

Kate was giving her a questioning look, probably wondering why she was reacting that way to her simple inquiry.

She knew that she had to tell Kate what really happened. The reason why she really moved out. That she was giving up on her feelings for the tennis prince... this time, for real. And Kate could actually stop thinking of her as a love rival, finally.

“Hey... It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” the american girl took notice of the girl’s tense expression,”That’s not the reason I sought you out, anyway.”

“Eh?” it was Sakuno’s turn to be surprised.

“Well, I’ve been MIA for almost two months without actually saying anything to anyone...” Kate mused, a sad smile in her face.

It was true. Sakuno has not seen Kate for almost two months. Even as she assumed that the tennis prince and her friend had definitely something going on-- what with the kiss she witnessed, she didn’t really see her around. Which would’ve been weird, thinking about it now. The twin-braided girl just assumed that the Thompson heir just had some things she was too busy about.

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