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Addison Waters
December 27th

*beep beep*
*beep beep*
*beep beep*

"Ethannn," I groaned,
"Turn your damn alarm off we don't leave yet."

"What time is it?" He tiredly asked, not moving an inch.

I rolled my eyes as I lightly sat up to check my phone.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, quickly shuffling out of bed and putting a bra on.

"What's wrong?" He frantically asked.

"It's four thirty we're gonna be late! Our plane boards at six in the morning!"

He shrugged,
"We still have lots of time,"

"Ethan, we're barely packed and the airport is an hour away. We have less than thirty minutes! We still have to go through security, and if we want to save ourselves the trouble of having to sprint to the plane, we have to get a move on now!"

"Oh shit-" he quickly stammered, getting out of bed and quickly grabbing everything we owned without even giving them a second look.

"You know," he huffed as he grabbed a handful of his t-shirts.

"You're very cranky in the morning, today especially."

I glared,
"And why do you think that is? Because my idiot of a boyfriend set an alarm for an hour later than we were supposed to wake up?"

"It's just an hour, Addy. We'll make it there,"

"Just an hour? Do you have any idea where we're going?"

"I'm very aware. Miss cranky pants."

"Ethan do not start with me, I'm not in a good mood."

"Yeah, I can tell." He mumbled.

I glared, and picked up a sock money I found on the ground, playfully throwing it at him.

He chuckled,
"So now you wanna play and waste time?"

"No, you just deserved that."

He playfully frowned, walking over to me and hugging me from behind.

"Don't worry baby, we've had this planned for a while now there's no way anything could go wrong. And if it does, and we're late, so what? We don't have a deadline, I'm sure your parents would understand. They would rather see you later than expected than not see you at all."

I sighed,
"You're right.."

He smiled,
"I know."

"I'm just very tense, especially from looking at houses with you last night it was all very stressful,"

"Baby I told you I'm handling all of that. I'm just letting you window shop with me, then I'm handling all the complicated and stressful shit."

I chuckled,
"I don't want you to do that all alone, what kind of a girlfriend would I be?"

He smiled,
"And that's why I love you, I didn't even have to ask."

I smiled,
"I love you too, but c'mon we gotta get a move on!" I clapped.

He playfully rolled his eyes while he went over to continue packing.

"Oh, and Addy?"


"If you're still feeling stressed on the plane, we could just each secretly take turns going to the bathroom, if you know what I mean."

I glared,
"Is there ever a time when you're not thinking about sex?"

He shrugged,
"When you're girlfriend is hotter than hell it's a little hard not to my love."

I chuckled,
"You're such a dork. Finish packing."


"I told you we'd make it."

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed, pulling out an interior design magazine.

"Are you really going to bore yourself with that instead of talking to me?"

I chuckled,
"This isn't boring, it's giving me ideas for our house."

"Here we go.." his eyes widened.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're gonna go all furniture crazy like every other woman, aren't you?"

"No, do you expect us to live in an empty house?"

"Well the acoustics would be great, but I can't sing for shit so I guess continue."

I laughed, before setting the magazine down to pick up my glass of water.

"I'm hungry." He stated.

"They just gave us breakfast e,"

"Yeah but you know how airplane food is," he cringed.

"Well you still have a banana left," I pointed.

"Did you really just do that?"

"Do what?"

"I told you I was hungry and you told me to eat a banana?"


"Addy, who's hungry and thinks "I could really go for a banana right now,"?"

I shrugged,
"I don't know, healthy people?"

"Nobody! That's like saying "oh you're hungry? Fuck off I don't care eat a damn banana,""

I chuckled,
"How many times has this happened for you to be that irritated?"

"A handful of times, Addy. But hey, you're telling me that's never happened to you?" He grew shocked.


"I guess people really care when you say you're hungry..damn. Maybe it's because you get cranky as hell when you don't eat, like this morning." He teased.

"Ethan." I sternly spoke, but of course was unable to keep my laughter in.

I rolled up my magazine and whacked his arm.

"Hey! What am I to you, a fly?"

"I wouldn't hurt a fly,"

"Then why would you hurt me?"

"Because you're annoying."

"Flies are annoying," he stated.

"Good point, but not as annoying as you."

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