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A/N italics are Kris' thoughts.

Fields of purple grass, a spacious field with grass waving from the wind's breeze. A beautiful melody sung in the distance, like a song of hopes and dreams.

They were there, in the fields of hopes and dreams. Sparing foes, collecting candies grown on trees.

"Hey! Aren't you guys gonna talk to me?"


"Well that's ok, because once you step in there, my guys are going to thrash you! HO HO HO!"

Ah yes, Lancer was there too.

Kris decided to go back and talk to him because, maybe then they won't have to deal with more foes.

"Oh hey! You came back!"

"Yes we did, now that we talked to you, can your troops not thrash us?"

"Ralsei, Ralsei, Ralsei, but that's what makes our relationship works."

"What relationship!?"

Kris held in his laugh, his little goat companion looked even cuter when he's angry. With his puffed cheeks, they both continued on east, and as expected. Lancer's troops attacked them.

Same old same old, just a couple of ruddins and a hathy. Kris asked Ralsei to compliment all the enemies and he did just that.

"We don't need EXP, just seeing your smile is enough! :)"

Soon enough every enemy is utterly swayed and they spared them all one by one.

They wander off into the vast fields and came across a small yet not that small chest. Inside was a white ribbon. One look and Kris already imagined how it would look like on Ralsei, his imagination showed his adorable little goat of a partner with a white ribbon tied neatly on his upper left side on his head, smiling happily, aproaching him with his arms spread out ready to give him a big hug. (he imagined Ralsei to take off his hat, though because he didn't know Ralsei looked somewhat like a dreemur yet, he just thought Ralsei was an adorable fluffy black goat)

Kris' imagination:

"Kris! I found a ribbon!"

"Ralsei! You look so adorable! Oof! Ralsei, you're so warm and fluffy, aahhh... don't ever let go, you're so comfortable."

Kris immidiately snapped back to reality as a blushing mess. Ralsei, the real Ralsei, looked at him curiously, his face looking adorable as ever.

"What's that Kris? Oh! You found some armor!"

"Wait this piece of ribbon is armor!?"

Kris thought to himself, confused as how this piece of ribbon can protect someone from attacks.

"It increases your cuteness level! Because enemies will think twice about attacking someone so adorable, you'll recieve less damage if you get hit! Why don't you put it on? Im sure it'll look great on you!"

"Oh hell no. There's no way i'm putting this on and miss looking at the most adorable creature in this whole universe."

Kris took the ribbon and tied it around Ralsei's hat. After the ribbon goes all around the hat's diameter, he made a little ribbon in the front sides of his hat. (he thought taking off someone else' hat just like that might be rude; so he decided not to.)

"Oh.. you're.. giving it to me? W... well.. d.. do i look cute..?"

Kris took a step back to inspect Ralsei's new appearance. And just like a sudden heart attack, he felt his heart ache at how adorable the dark prince looks at the moment, his fluffy cheeks have a slight tint of red, the ribbon just adds a whole new level of adorable that's over 9000.

Kris let out an audible


As he dropped to the ground, grabbing his chest, his heart cannot take this adorable creature, his mind started to fantasize things... and he really want to stop but he can't take it. He loves this little goat so much, despite only meeting him since a couple of hours.

"K.. KRIS!? D.. did i do something wrong??"

".. No.. you're perfect, you're too adorable.. ah....... GOD.. i can't take it, come here!"

Kris tackles him, as they fall to the ground with Kris on top of the Dark prince.

"Forgive me for my wild actions, your majesty."

He leans in for a kiss, leaving a very, very flustered Ralsei at the end.

~~~~~Fluffy Away!!~~~~~

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