Part XV

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Everyone was encircled around you and Valkyrie. You throw the dagger at Thor's directions making him flinch when the dagger hit the glass, this made everyone chuckled.

"Very funny, [Y/N]." Thor faked a laugh.

"Just making sure that you guys are safe there." you said smirking.

"You are looking forward to this, right brother." Loki mumbles with a smirk on his face.

You and Valkyrie, stand in your position and with a blink of an eye both of you charged. Dagger to dagger, both seems cant hit the other. You were able to hit her in the face and everything stopped.

"That's not so bad." Valkyrie wiped her cheeks.

"To think that I don't have any practice." you said with a wink.

"I guess we need to be a little more serious," she said getting on her feet.

"They are amazing!" Peter said watching you two.

"Take notes, kid. You might need it." Tony said not removing his eyes from the fight.

Loki may not show it but he is worried. He knows you can take her down but he doesn't want to see you being hit. He wants to protect you, to make sure you are safe.

The Valkyrie was on the ground breathing heavily then something happened, you froze to your spot. She attacked you but a blue force field shield it.

"Hey, no magic!" she complained but you didn't move "[Y/N]?"

Your eyes pupil were gone, and you are floating. Next thing you knew, there was a voice. You were no longer on Earth, it seems like you were in space.

"It is time for him to pay for his deeds. Loki failed and betrayed my master. Tell me, how would he feel if I took you from him? Will he be sad, devastated or will he kill himself from too much pain?" said the voice, it was a woman's voice.

"Who are you?" you said in an angry tone "I will not let you hurt him."

"I'm Supergiant and we are not taking him, we are planning to take you away from him besides he will choose you than the Tesseract. We will take everything that matters to him. We will make him suffer that he will die slowly in the most painful way. Loki will blame himself for your death."

"Show yourself!" you shout.

"Not yet, we will make him be happy first and will take that from him with a snap of a finger. Enjoy your remaining time with him."

"No!" You screamed on top of your lungs. No, not when you just have him back.

"[Y/N]" you can hear Loki's voice. This man finally found his happiness and now it will be taken away from him "[Y/N]." he called again.

"I won't let that happened." you said with painful expression on your face.

"[Y/N]" Loki voice screamed getting you back to reality.

"Loki," you mumbled.

"I'm here." He said pulling you into his arms "I'm here." he repeated wiping your tears.

"What happened?" you asked seeing shuttered glass on the floor "Valkyrie?"

"I'm fine," she said holding your hand.

"Did I hurt you?" you asked.

"No, you put your force field around me like you are protecting me from you," she answered feeling a bit confused.

"I..." you started, looking at Loki, you cupped his face "Someone is after you and they are planning something bad."

"What? Who?" he asked looking you in the eyes.

"I don't know, she said you failed and betrayed his master." you answered trying to remember everything "She said they will make you suffer in the most painfully way they know."

Loki tried to put a strong front but you can tell that he is scared and worried. Without saying a name, he knew already who you are talking.

"Loki," you called him with concern.

"I will not let them hurt you." he said caressing your face "I'll deal with them on my own."

"No!" you disagree "She... She is powerful and you need all the help you can get." you said.

"What do you mean?" Thor asked.

"They are looking for the Tesseract and they want Loki to suffer," you answered.

"He sent her to hunt me." Loki mumbled.

"Her name is Supergiant, do you know her?" you asked.

"I do, she is one of His minions." Loki looked at you with worry "She will not hesitate to kill. We need to think of something, she is psychotic telepathy."

"I can tell."

"His minion? Who is this master?" Thor asked.

"Thanos, he is a powerful being and the one who gave me the scepter."

"He is the leader of Chitauri, the aliens who invaded Midgard." Thor stated.

"Yes, him." Loki simply responds.

"Hey, are you saying that another being is trying to invade Earth!" Tony butted in.

"Not invading but..." you started but Tony cutter you off.

"But, what? [Y/N] if you forgot what they did the last time they were here, they almost destroyed New York City!" Tony was getting out of control of his tone "I cannot let that happen again."

"Tony, I know what happened and I won't let that happen." you told him "but we need your help."

"Why not just give him to them." Tony said making you look at him in disbelief.

"I want to understand that you are just saying this and you don't mean it." you said walking closer to him.

"This is what he needs to pay for what he did." he fought back.

"No! You don't know anything."

"Coming from a girl who just got her memories back." he stated in a mocking tone.

"That's it, you need to calm down." with that said you punch him in the face knocking him down.

"What did you do?" Peter exclaimed.

"Trust me, he will thank me later for this." you said." He is having a panic attack and he will just keep saying things that don't make sense."

"But what if he is right?" Loki said looking at the ground "Maybe I should give myself..."

"Loki, no, we will find our way out. You always do." you said pulling him into your arms "I will not lose you again."

|End of Part XV|

A/n: Supergiant is one of Thanos minion and I don't know much about her but I know a few things.😅 like she won't be on IW so she is the perfect fit for this.

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