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Supergiant held his sword in the air and stopped. She wants to play with his prey before killing it.

"Wake up." She said and Loki's eyes opened.

"What are you doing here?" Loki was in defense position, both daggers on hands.

"Great, you have your own weapon." Supergiant smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"Which is harder for you, kill your brother or the woman you love?" she said making Loki charge but his body won't move.

"What are you planning?" he glared at her.

"I will let you kill them slowly that you will see them suffer and life leaving their body. Loki, I will give you the pleasure of killing the people you love." Supergiant evilly smiled.

"You can't tell me what to do." Loki tried to fight back but he couldn't move.

"Try me. Loki, adopted son of Odin, Laufey's son, God of Mischief, I command you to kill your brother."

With that said, they went to Thor's room. Loki tried to warn his brother by yelling but his voice didn't come out. Loki conscious was awake but his body was not following him. Holding the dagger in the air, Loki was about to stab Thor but the God of Thunder were able to block him.

"Loki, what are you doing?" Thor said pushing him but he gets to his feet and attacked him "Stop this." Thor doesn't have a choice but to fight back. "Loki, stop this now. You know you will not win."

"That's what you think, brother." Loki said but he really doesn't mean it. Supergiant was controlling his action and the words coming out his mouth.

"That's it." Thor pushed Loki to the glass window and they landed on the grass "I don't want to fight you, Loki."

"Afraid that I might actually kill you this time." Loki snorted "are you scared, Lord of Thunder?"

"I'm not going to hold back." Thor get on his feet "What the hell is going on with you? Are you just trying to win our trust so you can betray us again?"

"That's the plan." Loki grinned but deep inside he wants this to stop. He can't get himself free.

"That wil not work, Loki. I'm way too powerful that you can't set yourself free." Supergiant laughed "Come on, you know how to kill him. Kill Thor, now."

Loki continued to attack Thor and with every attack, his knife was getting closer and closer to Thor and he stabbed him on the side. Thor fell to the ground.

"Loki! No!" You screamed and he stopped "Loki, stop this."

"Not her!" Loki screamed his mind.

"Just in time. How about a little cut on her leg then let's proceed with killing Thor." Supergiant said.

"Loki, Thor is your brother don't do thi..." you weren't able to finish, one of Loki's dagger was deep on your legs. You couldn't help but scream in pain.

This broke Loki's heart. He hurt the woman he loves "Kill me instead." he said, "just don't hurt her."

"You should have thought of that before double crossing my master." she angrily said "You brought this to yourself. Now, it is time to finish your brother. I want you kill him by cutting his neck."

"No!" Loki tried to control his body but it was no use. Jumping on top of Thor, he placed the sharp end on his troth. He was already cutting his skin and blood was slightly running on Thor's neck.

"Stop!" you have no choice but to use your power, you lifted Loki in the air and toss him.

"What a brat!" Supergiant was not pleased.

"What gets into you?!" you angrily said. You couldn't see Supergiant standing a few meters away from you, controlling Loki.

"He came to my room and just start attacking me." Thor said as you help him up.

"Maybe I should just kill you two in one strike." Loki said making your eyes widen. He will never say that to you "You two are the reason why I can't fulfill what is truly destined for me, my purpose!"

"You are talking nonsense." Thor said.

"I should be the King!" Loki responded.

"Loki, please," you said standing in front of Thor blocking him.

"[Y/N], don't worry once I'm done with Thor you'll be next." he said.

"I will not let you." You said pulling out your dagger.

Supergiants smile grow bigger. Loki attacked you and Thor, one body fell on the ground. A debt caused someone's life to end that night.

|End of Part XVIII|

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