Part IV

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Tony, introduced Thor as Chris and Loki as Tom. You want to believe him but somehow you don't want to. For a second, you thought you saw Thor and Loki then once you blink your eyes again they were back in suit, as Chris and Tom. Shrugging what just happened, the tour started giving them a quick summary about Norse Mythology and getting to God and Goddesses, everyone became more interested.

"By the way, just a little disclaimer, please take note that what we've studied and had here are different on what you've read in newspapers. Thor and Loki were not brothers..."

"No worries we know that already." Loki respond.

"He is adopted." Thor said making Tony and Peter laughed.

"Adopted" you repeated "Yeah, but this is different. I know our kinds finally had an encounter with other being or God but this tour is based on Norse mythology."

"We understand." Thor answered.

"Thank you, Chris. Ever since Thor visited Earth and Loki trying to take over New York this tour became popular but in a completely different way. People tried to find an answer about them yet this is based on a different thing."

"So got any tale about Thor or Loki?" Tony was grinning.

A smile suddenly appeared on your lips. You love telling tales "Yes, I do, Thor and Loki are actually in it. It is my favorite."

"Really?" Thor and Loki said in union.


"Can you tell us?" Peter asked feeling a bit excited.

"Absolutely! Alright, so this tale is about Thor's wedding."

"Wedding? Oh my, do tell [Y/N]." Tony said grinning mischievously.

"There was assembles of the Gods, Thor noticed that his hammer, Mjollnir, missing." You started "Thor looked around repeating himself 'this is bad, this is really bad.' Knowing that his most prized possession and the weapon against the giants was missing. Not totally giving up, Thor has to attend the assembly without his hammer. 'Maybe no one will, noticed.' He said but he was wrong 'Where is your hammer?' turning around Thor found the God of Mischief, Loki. Thor was having a second thought if he should tell Loki or not."

"Loki must have taken it." Peter commented.

"You think so?" You asked, feeling happy that everyone seems to be listening to your story.

"But Loki isn't worthy," Tony commented.

"So yeah, Thor looked at Loki and he knows he needs help. So he told Loki what happened and even the God of Mischief knows that this is bad news. Knowing what to do, Loki brought the news to Freya who was willing to help them and lend her falcon feather cloth. This will help them to travel with no problem in the 9 realms..."

"Loki could ask Heimdall to help him travel the 9 realms." Thor chuckled, mocking his brother.

"He can but on this tale, they used Freya's cloth." You respond.

"Come on now, Chris, let's hear the story and let her finished," Tony said.

"My apologies. Lady [Y/N], please continue." Thor added.

"None, taken. So, Loki having an idea where and who might take the hammer, he went to, Jotunheim. There he approached, Thrym. A really not that good looking and that smart giant. Loki asked him about the hammer. Thrym answered 'Yes, I did.' Loki asked if they can have it but the giant answered him 'No' 'What do you want?' Loki asked trying to negotiate 'It is buried eight miles below the grown and you need me to find it. I need Freya to be my wife.' Thrym replied 'I think that is not a good idea.' Loki replied 'No way, that Freya will marry this ugly and stupid giant.' 'Well, I will just tell my people about this and tell my friends so we can charge to Asgard. Now that Thor doesn't have his mighty hammer.' Knowing the danger that it can cause, Loki pause 'Hold on, let me talk to her first before you tell anyone.' Thrym knew that Loki has no choice 'That's what I thought, I'll be here waiting with my family for my new bride.' Loki went back to Asgard and told Thor and Freya what happened. Freya was furious and will not go with it. She called for assembly and everyone was worried and not willing to give up one of their Goddesses but the possible threat is too big for them to handle." A grin formed into your face getting to your favorite part of the story "During the assembly, Loki looked at Thor to Freya, Freya to Thor and his idea might work 'how about we dress Thor as Freya, cover his manly features and put him on a dress.' Loki suggested.

Toni, Peter and Loki's laughter echoes in the room "My oh my brother, I would do anything to see that." Loki added.

"The image is too vivid in my imagination," Tony added, wiping a tear falling into her eyes.

"Oh! I can't. I can't breathe this is too much." Peter added holding his stomach "[Y/N], please continue I want to hear more."

"With pleasure." You said smiling at them, while you can't draw Thor's face "Everyone thought that the idea was genius but Thor strongly disagrees, thinking that it was a bad idea, not manly and this will haunt him for the rest of his life. The plan was for Thor to pretend to be Freya and Thrym must hand him the hummer before the ceremony started. Loki who brought up the idea tried to convince him 'Well you should have thought of that before losing the hammer. And you know what is bad, giants coming here to kill us and take over Asgard.' Odin spoke this time 'Thor you will do this and Loki will come with you, also in a dress as your bridesmaid.' It was the King's decision there is nothing. I mean nothing they can do about it."

"I beg your pardon, did you say Loki was on a dress too." It was Thor's chance to laugh at his brother.

"That's not funny," Loki added, gritting his teeth.

"It is, brother." Thor replied as the other continued to laugh "Lady [Y/N], please tell us more."

"Absolutely, so Thor and Loki was on their disguise and went to the world of the giants, using Thor's goat-drawn chariot. They were welcomed by Thrym. At dinner before the wedding ceremony, Thor and Loki found themselves in trouble. Thor singlehandedly ate an entire ox, eight salmon and all of the dainties that had been prepared for the women – not to mention the numbers of barrels of mead he drank. This made Thrym suspicious and he said he never saw a woman ate and have that kind of appetite. Loki quickly responds 'The fair goddess has been so lovesick for you that she hasn't been able to eat for a week.' Thrym accepted this answer and had a desire to kiss his soon to be wife. When he peeled back the veil, Thor's eyes glared at him 'Never have I seen a maiden with such frightfully piercing eye!' Thrym said. Loki came up again with a quick response that Frya was so excited to be his wife that the Goddess doesn't have enough sleep. The ceremony soon started, Thor saw his Mjollnir, almost lose control but Loki stopped him knowing it is not yet time. Thrym handed the hammer to Thor, who he thought is Freya. Having his hammer back, Thor gripped his hammer, he and Loki started to fight the giants and kill all who attended the ceremony." You finished "I'll save you with the grisly details. In the end, both Thor and Loki went back to Asgard with Mjollnir"

"Well, that is pretty interesting. Thor and Loki in a dress." Tony was smirking at Thor and Loki "And Thor has a thing for giants." Tony added "Loki is into dress up. Wow, we never know."

"Well in a way yes he is. That's why he got pregnant and gave birth to 3 dangerous creatures."

"I beg your pardon." Loki said stepping a bit closer to you "I.. what do you mean got pregnant?"

"He is the father well like a mother it is kind of compli..."

"You got that wrong, darling." He replied.

"No, I can show you some reference to prove it."

"No, what you have is completely..."

"Tom, I think that is enough," Thor said getting between you and Loki.

Tom or Loki, maybe intimidating but you know that you are right and you'll provide him wrong. But your head started to pound and Peter immediately come to your aid. There it goes again, Chris and Tom turned into Thor and Loki. Are you going crazy? You don't know if you can still take it then everything went black.

|End of Part IV|

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